Luigi Nono
About Luigi Nono
In 1950 Nono first attended the Darmstadt Summer Courses for New Music which saw the world première of his Variazioni canoniche sulla serie dell’op. 41 di Schoenberg. By using the twelve-note series from Schoenberg’s anti-Fascist Ode to Napoleon Op. 41, Nono, a member of the Italian Communist Party since 1952, referred to its political statement. At the Hamburg performance of Schoenberg’s opera Moses und Aron he met Schoenberg’s daughter Nuria whom he married a year later. Dedicated to her is Liebeslied for mixed choir and instruments which was first performed in London in 1956. His work Incontri per 24 strumenti, premiered in Darmstadt in 1955, is characterized by the use of a complex mirror form and a twelve-note series in which the intervals diverge in a zigzag. After this work, large expressive interval leaps became a typical feature of Nono’s melodies. Possibly his best-known work, Il canto sospeso for soprano, alto and tenor solo, mixed choir and orchestra, was premiered in Cologne in 1956. In this work, Nono set farewell letters from Resistance fighter condemned to death. He intended to musicalize the texts by breaking the language up into syllables, thus making its musical content ready for composition.
In the following years, he worked as a teacher on the Darmstadt Summer Courses, and from 1960 taught in Poland, the USSR, CSSR and GDR. Omaggio a Emilio Vedova, his first electronic composition, was also written at this time. Electronic sounds play an important role in his opera Intolleranza 1960 composed in 1960/61. This piece extends the concept of Gesamtkunstwerk [total artwork, or fusion of the arts] to the contrapuntal combination of scenery, visual projections, music (including tape and loudspeaker) and space.
Despite the advanced tonal language of Intolleranza, the political message of the opera was directed not only to the bourgeois audience. To Nono, it was important that his works were adopted by all social classes: in 1962 he organized the first of many discussion concerts which featured his music. Held in Italian factories, the concerts attracted up to 5,000 visitors. To make sure that his works were understood by the Italian workers, Nono also used sounds and noises for his electronic compositions which he had recorded in factories.
His next compositions had their roots in the themes from the Holocaust, but he soon felt that the combination of political agitprop and the avantgarde idiom to be an artistic dead end and his style moved on to explore subtle sound nuances, inspired by the piano technique of his friend, the pianist Maurizio Pollini, to whom he had dedicated several works from this creative period. The exploration of the individual sound became the centre of throught during this creative period, so much so that the compositions often move on the edge of audiblity; literary and musical quotations from various sources, ranging from Hoelderlin to Verdi, form isolated tonal islands which are the result of the greatest possible concentration of the innumerable sources of inspiration. Even his most mature works follow this concept so that they lack an explicit story; one might speak of an ’invisible theatre’, the ideas of which are musicalized and which, in itself, takes place only inside the listener himself.
The motif of wandering runs like a thread through his late works: First and foremost is the exploration of the sound and the process of its generation. The wandering of the sound through space, (for example by arranging loudspeaker around a room) opens the listener up to constantly new perspectives on what can be heard. Closely connected with the aspect of wandering, is the search for constantly new sounds and perspectives of perception, the search becoming the essential goal of composing while following the aesthetic principle of constant change. Nono regarded his native and home town Venice as a symbol of such aesthetics of change. Until his death he admired its wealth of colour, the constant merging of architecture and acoustic impressions such as the ringing of bells. In contrast to the strict serialism of Karlheinz Stockhausen, he achieved the combination of great subjectivity and rigid architectonics even in his late works. In 1990 Nono received the Berlin Arts Prize for Music. He died on 8 May of the same year.
Canciones para Silvia - Lieder für SilviaComposer: Luigi NonoEdition: ScoreInstrumentation: soprano and 6 singers (sopranos)Product number: AVV 6Product TypeIn stockAs low as €14.99Incl. Tax
für Sopran-Solo, 12-stimmigen Frauenchor und InstrumenteComposer: Luigi NonoMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: soprano, 12-voice female choir and instrumentsLanguage: SpanishHire/performance materialHire/performance material
Sul Ponte di HiroshimaComposer: Luigi NonoEdition: Study scoreInstrumentation: Soprano, Tenor and OrchestraProduct number: AVV 78Product TypeIn stockAs low as €19.99Incl. Tax
Sul Ponte di HiroshimaComposer: Luigi NonoMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: soprano, tenor and orchestraLanguage: ItalianHire/performance materialHire/performance material
Composer: Luigi NonoMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: ensembleHire/performance materialHire/performance material
Diario polacco '58Product TypeIn stockAs low as €32.99Incl. Tax
Composer: Luigi NonoMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: orchestraHire/performance materialHire/performance material
Diario polacco '58Composer: Luigi NonoMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: orchestraHire/performance materialHire/performance material
aus "La terra promessa"Composer: Luigi NonoEdition: Study scoreSeries: Music Of Our Time
Cori di Didone
Instrumentation: mixed choir (SSSSAAAATTTTBBBB/SSSSAAAATTTTBBBB) with percussionProduct number: AVV 54Product TypeIn stockAs low as €17.99Incl. Tax -
aus "La terra promessa" von Giuseppe UngarettiComposer: Luigi NonoMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: mixed choir (8S8A8T8B) and percussionLanguage: ItalianHire/performance materialHire/performance material
Composer: John Cage | Luigi Nono | Giacinto Scelsi | Karlheinz StockhausenInterpreter: Holger Stenschke | Mike SvobodaMedia Type: CDProduct number: WER 67442CDCDIn stock€18.50Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
Ballett von Tatjana Gsovsky in Anlehnung an "In seinem Garten liebt Don Perlimplín Belisa" von Federico García LorcaComposer: Luigi NonoMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialLanguage: GermanHire/performance materialHire/performance material
Konzertsuite (A) nach dem BallettComposer: Luigi NonoMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: soprano- and baritone-solo, mixed choir and orchestraLanguage: GermanHire/performance materialHire/performance material
Konzertsuite (B) nach dem BallettComposer: Luigi NonoMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: orchestraHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per orchestraComposer: Luigi NonoMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: orchestraHire/performance materialHire/performance material
Earle Brown Contemporary Sound SeriesComposer: David Bedford | Luciano Berio | Sir Harrison Birtwistle | Earle Brown | Morton Feldman | Bruno Maderna | Sir Peter Maxwell Davies | Luigi Nono | Richard OrtonEditor: Earle BrownInterpreter: Seymour Barab | Don Butterfield | Jacques Castagner | Alan Ray Hacker | Don Hammond | Philip Kraus | Walter Lewis | Jane Manning | Richard Orton | Francis Pierre | Matthew Raimondi | David Soyer | Mary Thomas | John Tilbury | Walter Trampler | David Tudor | Moray WelshConductor: Luciano Berio | Bruno Maderna | Sir Peter Maxwell DaviesOrchestra/ensemble: The English Chamber Orchestra | The Pierrot PlayersMedia Type: 3 CDsProduct number: WER 69312CDCDIn stock€36.50Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
España en el corazonComposer: Luigi NonoMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: soprano- and baritone solo, mixed choir and instrumentsLanguage: SpanishHire/performance materialHire/performance material
(1) Espana en el corazón nach Gedichten von Lorca und Neruda - (2) Y su sangre ya viene cantando - (3) Memento - Romance de la Guardia civil espanolaComposer: Luigi NonoEdition: Study scoreInstrumentation: Soli, small mixed Choir and Instruments (1) - Flute and small Orchestra (2) - Speaker, Spreaking choir, mixed Choir and Orchestra (3)Product number: AVV 313Product TypeIn stockAs low as €32.99Incl. Tax
für Sopran- und Bariton-Solo, Sprecherin, Flöte, Sprechchor, gemischten Chor und kleines OrchesterComposer: Luigi NonoMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: 1.: Soli, kleiner gemischter Chor und Instrumente - 2.: Flöte und kleines Orchester - 3.: Sprecherin, Sprechchor, gemischter Chor und OrchesterLanguage: SpanishHire/performance materialHire/performance material
Y su sangre ya viene cantandoComposer: Luigi NonoMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: flute and small orchestraHire/performance materialHire/performance material
MementoComposer: Luigi NonoMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: Sprecherin, Sprechchor, gemischter Chor und OrchesterLanguage: SpanishHire/performance materialHire/performance material
for percussion ensembleComposer: Luigi NonoEdition: Performing scoreSeries: Essential Exercises
Edition Schott
Instrumentation: percussion-ensembleProduct number: ED 22904Product TypeIn stockAs low as €13.99Incl. Tax -
Cantata (Brieftexte europäischer Widerstandskämpfer)Composer: Luigi NonoEdition: Study scoreInstrumentation: soloists (SAT), mixed choir (SSAATTBB) and orchestraProduct number: ETP 8029Product TypeIn stockAs low as €34.99Incl. Tax
Facsimile of the autograph scoreComposer: Luigi NonoEditor: Christoph FlammMedia Type: Sheet musicSeries: Il canto sospeso
Instrumentation: soprano-, alto- and tenor-solo, mixed choir and orchestraLanguage: German, EnglishProduct number: ED 23371Print editionPrint editionIn stock€298.00Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping -
für Sopran-, Alt- und Tenor-Solo, gemischten Chor und OrchesterComposer: Luigi NonoMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: soprano-, alto- and tenor-solo, mixed choir and orchestraLanguage: German, ItalianHire/performance materialHire/performance material
Composer: Luigi NonoEdition: Study scoreSeries: Music Of Our Time
Instrumentation: 24 InstrumentsProduct number: AVV 52Product TypeIn stockAs low as €17.99Incl. Tax -
für 24 InstrumenteComposer: Luigi NonoMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: 24 instrumentsHire/performance materialHire/performance material
Handlung in 2 TeilenComposer: Luigi NonoEdition: LibrettoSeries: Intolleranza 1960
Instrumentation: Soloists and OrchestraProduct number: BN 3620-10Product TypeIn stockAs low as €5.99Incl. Tax -
Handlung in 2 TeilenComposer: Luigi NonoEdition: Study scoreSeries: Music Of Our Time
Intolleranza 1960
Instrumentation: Soli and OrchestraProduct number: AVV 75Product TypeIn stockAs low as €47.99Incl. Tax -
Azione scenica in due tempi / Handlung in zwei TeilenComposer: Luigi NonoEditor: Angela Ida De BenedictisMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialLanguage: German, ItalianHire/performance materialHire/performance material
LiederComposer: Luigi NonoEdition: Study scoreInstrumentation: mixed choir (6S 6A 6T 6B) and orchestraProduct number: AVV 56Product TypeIn stockAs low as €17.99Incl. Tax
Canti di Cesare Pavese für Sopran- und Tenor-Solo, gemischten Chor und InstrumenteComposer: Luigi NonoMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: soprano- and tenor-solo, mixed choir and instrumentsLanguage: ItalianHire/performance materialHire/performance material
GesängeComposer: Luigi NonoEdition: Study scoreInstrumentation: mixed choir (SATB) and orchestraProduct number: AVV 69Product TypeIn stockAs low as €19.99Incl. Tax
Gesänge nach Paul ÉluardComposer: Luigi NonoMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: mixed choir (SATB) and orchestraLanguage: FrenchHire/performance materialHire/performance material
Composer: Luigi NonoEdition: Study scoreSeries: Music Of Our Time
Instrumentation: mixed choir (SATB) and instrumentsProduct number: AVV 60Product TypeIn stockAs low as €9.99Incl. Tax -
für gemischten Chor und InstrumenteComposer: Luigi NonoMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: mixed choir and instrumentsLanguage: GermanHire/performance materialHire/performance material
List of Works Published by SchottComposer: Luigi NonoMedia Type: Promotional materialLanguage: German, EnglishProduct number: KAT 3486-99Promotional materialPromotional materialIn stock€0.00Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
Composer: Luigi NonoEdition: Study scoreSeries: Polifonica - Monodia - Ritmica
Instrumentation: Woodwinds, Percussion and PianoProduct number: AVV 76Product TypeIn stockAs low as €14.99Incl. Tax -
(Urfassung)Composer: Luigi NonoEditor: Veniero RizzardiMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: wind instruments, percussion and pianoHire/performance materialHire/performance material
für Bläser, Schlagzeug und KlavierComposer: Luigi NonoMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: wind instruments, percussion and pianoHire/performance materialHire/performance material
Composer: Luigi NonoInterpreter: Angelika LuzOrchestra/ensemble: Ensemble UnitedBerlinConductor: Peter HirschChoir: United VoicesMedia Type: CDProduct number: WER 66312CDCDIn stock€18.50Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
Canto per 8 soli da "La terra la morte" di Cesare PaveseComposer: Luigi NonoEdition: ScoreSeries: Edition Schott
Instrumentation: 8 soloists (SSAATTBB)Product number: AVV 5Product TypeIn stockAs low as €19.99Incl. Tax -
da "Intolleranza"Composer: Luigi NonoMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: soprano, choir (tape) and orchestraLanguage: ItalianHire/performance materialHire/performance material
Composer: Luigi NonoEdition: Study scoreSeries: Music Of Our Time
Instrumentation: Violin solo, Strings and WoodwindsProduct number: AVV 51Product TypeIn stockAs low as €18.99Incl. Tax -
Musica per violine solo, archi e legniComposer: Luigi NonoMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: violin solo, strings and woodwindsHire/performance materialHire/performance material
Strawinsky, Schnebel, Cage, Nono, StockhausenComposer: John Cage | Luigi Nono | Dieter Schnebel | Karlheinz Stockhausen | Igor StravinskyInterpreter: Timothy Albrecht | Juan Allende-Blin | Hans-Martin Balz | Guiseppe G. Englert | Carla Henius | Leopold Keijsers | Aloys Kontarsky | Alfons Kontarsky | Angelika Luz | John McCaughey | William Pearson | Gisela Saur-Kontarsky | Gerd ZacherOrchestra/ensemble: ensemble recherche | Ensemble UnitedBerlin | Interpretenensemble Darmstadt | Quatuor HêliosConductor: Peter Hirsch | Rupert Huber | Dieter SchnebelChoir: United VoicesMedia Type: 5 CDsProduct number: WER 69462CDCDIn stock€19.50Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping