• Joy of Music – Plus de 250 ans de qualité, innovation et tradition
2-3 Tage
Numéro du produit: WER 64122
16,50 €
TTC, hors expédition
Type de produit
Title is available

Détails du produit


In his portrait CD, Johannes Boris Borowski focusses on a genre that can rarely be found in contemporary music under its description: the concerto. Another unusual thing is that the composer does mostly without extended playing techniques and instrumental preparations. Although the title of the work and the instrumental style of playing suggest a classical orientation, Borowski breaks at the same time with the concerto tradition by completely isolating, for example, single moments from the familiar concerto context, looks at them from a distance, and thus creates musical form in a new and unexpected way.

One topic of Borowski's compositional work is to find a musical language. At the beginning of the works, there are often the smallest nuclei: “From this stuttering beginning grows a dense web whose method of proceeding is reminiscent of the principle of proliferation as used in the oeuvre of Pierre Boulez.” (Bernd Künzig)

One concerto and one ensemble piece are contained on each of the two sound carriers of this double CD, offering a deep insight into the work of Johannes Boris Borowski. The performers on this CD are outstanding interpreters of the international contemporary music scene, such as the Berlin German Symphony Orchestra, the French top ensemble Ensemble intercontemporain as well as Ensemble Interface and Ensemble Aventure.

 production: SWR / co-production: Deutschlandradio Kultur and ROC Berlin


Fagottkonzert for bassoon and ensemble (2012/13)
Wandlung for 6 instruments (2009/rev. 2014)
Klavierkonzert (2010/11)
Chergui for 7 instruments (2012)


Pascal Gallois: bassoon / Ensemble intercontemporain / Bruno Mantovani: conductor / Ensemble Aventure / Scott Voyles: conductor / Florent Boffard: piano / Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin / Manuel Nawri: conductor / Ensemble Interface

Plus d'infos

Fagottkonzert / Wandlung / Klavierkonzert / Chergui
Maison d'édition:
97 ′40 ′′

Détails techniques

Type de support:
2 CDs
Numéro du produit:
WER 64122
0,13 kg

Plus de cette série

German Music Council / Contemporary Music Edition

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