• Joy of Music – Over 250 years of quality, innovation, and tradition

Agostino Di Scipio

Country of origin: Jamaica
Birthday: 1962

About Agostino Di Scipio

* 1962 in Naples, Italy. As a composer, sound artist, and scholar, Di Scipio explores original methods and technologies for the generation and transmission of sound, often experimenting with phenomena of emergence and chaotic dynamics. Internationally renowned are his liveelectronics performance works and sound installations where ‘man-machine-environment’ feed-back networks are implemented and creatively elaborated (e.g. the Audible Ecosystemics pieces, or the more recent Modes of Interference series). He was a DAAD artist-in-residence in Berlin, and a guest composer at ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe and IMEB Bourges, among others. Between 2001 and 2013 he has served as a full professor in Electronic Music Composition at the Conservatory of Naples, and today he holds this position at the Conser vatory of L’Aquila. He was Edgard-Varèse Guest Professor at Technische Universität Berlin, furthermore visiting professor at many other renowned places. Di Scipio has edited several publications, including a monograph issue of the Journal of New Music Research on Iannis Xenakis. His articles have appeared in international journals, and he is author of the text book Pensare le tecnologie del suono e della musica (Editoriale Scientifica, Naples 2013). Di Scipio’s compositional work and sound art have been the subject of small international symposia and a monograph issue of Contemporary Music Review.
