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HAL / High Noon: Moskitos / Ripley Musik V / Gassenhauermaschinensuite / Picard

Product number: WER 65812
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The encounter with Gordon Kampe's music is – guided by suggestive sound impressions – like the perception of an imaginary theatre.
Titles, movement headings and section names of his works refer, for example, to the world of cinematic sci-fi sketches à la "Star Trek" and "Alien". Other compositions evoke completely different associations. Used as 'metaphor machines', such designations indicate the imponderables of a pre-defined course which, being filled with music, holds unexpected and unforeseen surprises. A central characteristic of his compositions is the sudden turn which manifests itself as an unusual action or instrumental solo, thus disregarding the uniform musical fervour.


HAL for contrabassclarinet, accordion, contrabass and piano 
High-Noon: Moskitos for orchestra
Ripley-Musik V for bassclarinet, violoncello and piano
Qs Nachtstück for flute, bassclarinet, drums, violoncello, contrabass and piano
Gassenhauermaschinensuite for clarinet, violoncello, accordion, piano and drums
Picard for flute, clarinet, saxophone/tárogató, trombone, electric guitar, drums, violoncello, contrabass and piano


Carl Rosman: contrabass clarinet / John Eckhardt: contrabass / Eva Zöllner: accordion / Mark Knoop: piano / Radio Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart des SWR / Peter Hirsch: conductor / e-mex ensemble / Christoph Maria Wagner: conductor / l’art pour l’art / Michael Schröder: conductor

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HAL / High Noon: Moskitos / Ripley Musik V / Gassenhauermaschinensuite / Picard
79 ′30 ′′

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Product number:
WER 65812
0,12 kg

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