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Bach - Handel - Scarlatti

Vol. 1 | 31 easy Piano Pieces with Practising Tips - Edition with German and English Commentary
Mit der neuen Urtext Primo-Reihe beabsichtigt die Wiener Urtext Edition, die Lücke zu schließen, die sich nach dem Studium einer Klavierschule beim Übergang zu einem weiterführenden Unterricht ergibt. Band 1 verbindet viel gespielte Unterrichtswerke von Bach mit weniger bekannten von Händel und Scarlatti, Band 2 Kompositionen von Haydn und Mozart mit musikalisch wie pädagogisch attraktiven Stücken von Cimarosa.
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With the new Urtext Primo series, Wiener Urtext Edition intends to bridge the gap between studying a piano method and taking additional lessons. Beginning with a performance level which is outlined by pieces such as Bach's Minuet in G (BWV Anh. 116), Mozart's Minuet in F (KV 5) or Schumann's Wilder Reiter (Op. 68/8), works by three different composers are selected for each volume in the series, with the aim of offering piano pupils (or even adults who want to resume piano playing) a wide range of repertoire pieces on the basis of which they can enhance their technical and musical skills. The pieces' range of levels of difficulty is relatively narrow so that the volume can be used continuously over a period of about two years. This is what distinguishes the Urtext Primo approach from almost all common anthologies. The selected repertoire takes into account not only pieces of the classic canon of lessons, but also lesser known works which are in no way of less importance for piano lessons. The Urtext Primo volumes are published in the internationally recognised standard of the Wiener Urtext editions. The explanations included in each volume shall help to deepen the knowledge of musical styles, music history and piano playing. A repertoire chart at the end of each volume gives a rough overview of the levels of difficulty of the selected pieces.

Volume 1 contains both frequently played educational works by Bach and lesser known pieces by Handel and Scarlatti, Volume 2 compositions by Haydn and Mozart as well as musically and educationally attractive pieces by Cimarosa. Volume 3 (scheduled for publication in summer 2013) contains pieces by Beethoven, Schubert and Hummel, Volume 4 (scheduled for publication in early 2014) works by Schumann, Brahms and Theodor Kirchner. Further volumes are being planned.


J.S. Bach: Praeludium in C (BWV 939)
J.S. Bach: Praeludium in C (BWV 924)
J.S. Bach: Praeludium in F (BWV 927)
J.S. Bach: Praeludium in c (BWV 999)
J.S. Bach: Praeludium in C (BWV 846/1)
J.S. Bach: Menuet in G (BWV Anh. 116)
J.S. Bach: Polonoise in d (BWV Anh. 128)
J.S. Bach: Menuet in F (BWV Anh. 113)
J.S. Bach: Gavotte in G (from: BWV 816)
J.S. Bach: Menuet 1/2 in c (aus: BWV 816)
J.S. Bach: Menuet 1/2 in B (aus: BWV 825)
J.S. Bach: Inventio 1 in C (BWV 772)
J.S. Bach: Inventio 8 in F (BWV 779)
G.F. Händel: Toccata in G (HWV 586)
G.F. Händel: Preludio in G (HWV 442)
G.F. Händel: Prélude in d (aus: HWV 437)
G.F. Händel: Sarabande in d (aus: HWV 437)
G.F. Händel: Sarabande in d (aus: HWV 448)
G.F. Händel: Courante in G (aus: HWV 450)
G.F. Händel: Entrée in g (HWV 453.II)
G.F. Händel: Menuet in g (HWV 434.IV)
G.F. Händel: Gigue in g (aus: HWV 452)
G.F. Händel: Gigue in F (HWV 492)
D. Scarlatti: Sonate in d (K.32)
D. Scarlatti: Sonate in G (K.80)
D. Scarlatti: Sonate in C (K.95)
D. Scarlatti: Sonate in C (K.308)
D. Scarlatti: Sonate in A (K.323)
D. Scarlatti: Sonate in D (K.415)
D. Scarlatti: Sonate in G (K.431)
D. Scarlatti: Sonate in G (K.471)

More Information

Bach - Handel - Scarlatti
Vol. 1 | 31 easy Piano Pieces with Practising Tips - Edition with German and English Commentary
German, English
Level of difficulty:
easy - intermediate
Wiener Urtext Edition

Technical Details

Media Type:
Sheet music
Product number:
0,25 kg
23.1cm x 30.3cm
Saddle-wire stitching

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• In eng gefasstem Schwierigkeitsrahmen, erlernbar innerhalb von ca. 2 Jahren nach dem Studium einer Klavierschule

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Die jedem Heft beigefügten Erläuterungen sollen dazu beitragen, musikalisch-stilistische, musikgeschichtliche und klavierspezifische Kenntnisse zu vertiefen. Eine Repertoire Tabelle am Ende eines jeden Heftes gibt einen groben Schwierigkeitsüberblick über die zusammengestellten Stücke.


Wiener Urtext Edition


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