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Vom Durst nach Dasein / Gullinkambi / Zigzag

mit "Zigzag: Pi mal R Quadrat" als Film von Jesko Marx
Numéro du produit: WER 65562
Edition: DualDisc
16,50 €
TTC, hors expédition
Title is available

Détails du produit


The unique blend of Stephan Winkler's music and the images of the video artist Jesko Marx results in one of the first DualDiscs on the European continent! The DualDisc, an enhancement and improvement over the DVD plus, combines both audio CD and DVD on one disc.

"I consider myself successful when I manage, despite my self-criticism, to write or record music that I myself love to hear." (Stephan Winkler)

The present CD contains three works in which the diverse stylistic strands of Winkler's music are brought together in a different way each.
"Gullinkambi" for 11 wind instruments forms a sort of habitat in which musical "creatures" collide to generate an evolutionary formal process. "Vom Durst nach Dasein" (Of the Thirst for Existence) for viola and instrumental ensemble is devoted to "attachment to the world," with a distancing commentary in the form of a concluding speech: a text by Robert Musil transformed into music. Finally, our CD rendition of the score of "Zigzag", for six saxophones, bursts the bounds of the medium: on the DVD side of this new DualDisc, the sextet unites with images from the video artist Jesko Marx to create "Zigzag: Pi mal R Quadrat" (Zigzag: π ∙ r²) - music which has really been written for DVD.


Audio CD:
Vom Durst nach Dasein. Sieben Sachen und eine Gegebenheit für Bratsche und noch sieben
Gullinkambi für elf Blasinstrumente
Zigzag für sechs Saxophone
Zigzag: Pi mal R Quadrat. Film by Jesko Marx


Jörg Winkler: viola / Kammerensemble Neue Musik Berlin / Tina Rederer: flutes / Matthias Bäcker: oboe, English horn / Marco Thomas: clarinets / Norbert Pförtsch: horns / Selim Aykal: bassoons / Thomas Kollikowski: contrabassoon / Claas Willeke: soprano saxophones, alto saxophones, tenor saxophones / Karola Elßner: baritone saxophones, bass saxophones / Stephan Winkler: sampling, editing

Plus d'infos

Vom Durst nach Dasein / Gullinkambi / Zigzag
mit "Zigzag: Pi mal R Quadrat" als Film von Jesko Marx
Maison d'édition:
49 ′30 ′′

Détails techniques

Numéro du produit:
WER 65562
0,12 kg

Plus de cette série

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