• Joy of Music – Plus de 250 ans de qualité, innovation et tradition

Yorck Kronenberg

Pays d'origine: Allemagne
Date d'anniversaire: 1973

À propos de Yorck Kronenberg

Yorck Kronenberg has made a name for himself not only as a pianist, but also as a composer and author. Born in Reutlingen in 1973, he studied piano with Konrad Eiser and James Tocco as well as composition with Friedhelm Döhl at the Musikhochschule in Lübeck. He has won prizes both as a pianist and as a composer, winning, for example, the international Johann Sebastian Bach Competition in Saarbrücken in 1998. Kronenberg has been featured on numerous CDs, and his novel, Welt unter, was published in 2002. He lives in Berlin.
