• Joy of Music – Plus de 250 ans de qualité, innovation et tradition
Carl Orff

Carl Orff

Pays d'origine: Allemagne
Date d'anniversaire: 10 juillet 1895
Date de décès: 29 mars 1982

À venir

Carmina Burana
Chef d'orchestre: Paul Valk
16 février 2025 | Leiden (Pays-Bas) , Pieterskerk
Carmina Burana
Chef d'orchestre: Eberhard Rex
Orchestre: Vereinigte Jugendorchester; Bläser des Jugendblasorchesters Luzern
17 février 2025 | Luzern (Suisse) , KKL

À propos de Carl Orff

Orff’s music, his musikē – I deliberately utilise the Greek expression – offers less for the ear than traditional opera music. In exchange, it involves all the senses; it is not just sound, but also dance; not just tone but also playing; not only singing but also scenes and theatre – it is music in the sense of an artistic muse uniting and fusing all the arts , as originally conceived by the Ancient Greeks. (Hans Maier)

Carl Orff was born on 10 July 1895 in Munich. He received his first piano tuition at the early age of five, and subsequently also cello and organ lessons. Evidence shows that he regularly attended the theatre and opera from 1903 onwards. In 1911, his first work was published: the lied “Eiland, ein Sang vom Chiemsee”, although Orff up to this point had not yet begun systematic courses in music theory. From 1912 to 1914, he studied composition with Anton Beer-Walbrunn at the Munich Akademie der Tonkunst and from 1915 piano with Hermann Zilcher. In 1915, Orff was able to gather initial practical experience in the theatre, worked as repetiteur and one year later was appointed as kapellmeister of the Munich Chamber Theatre. Following a brief period of military service, he was appointed as kapellmeister assisting Wilhelm Furtwängler at the National Theatre in Mannheim and the Landestheater Darmstadt. He received further training in composition from Heinrich Kaminski and undertook an extensive study of Bach, Buxtehude, Pachelbel and particularly Monteverdi. A co-founder of the “Günther School” for gymnastics, music and dance in Munich (1924), Orff became the director of the department for dance and musical education. This was for Orff an ideal experimental educational field for the development of the “Orff Schulwerk” (1930-1934/1950-1954) which was distributed with great success worldwide and continues today to be utilised within the areas of social and therapeutic education. In 1936, Orff received the commission to compose a part of the processional music for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. From 1950 to 1960, he held master classes for composition at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik in Munich. From 1955, he was resident in Dießen on Lake Ammer and died on 29 March 1982 in Munich.

Right from the beginning, Orff concentrated exclusively on textually related music. His aim was to combine theatre, music, dance and acting to form a single unified whole in which the rhythmical organisation of language frequently provided the compositional framework. Orff composed his first choral work (“Also sprach Zarathustra”, based on Nietzsche) and an early opera strongly influenced by Debussy entitled Gisei, das Opfer, which was completed in 1913. Orff found his way to his own individual style through the study of the counterpoint of the old masters. His fascination for mediaeval and classical texts was reflected in works such as his cycle Trionfi (Carmina Burana, 1936, Catulli Carmina, 1943 and Trionfo di Afrodite, 1951), Hölderlin’s adaptations of Greek dramas Antigonae (1949) and Oedipus der Tyrann (1959) and Aischylos’ Prometheus (1967). The works in the style of fairy tales such as Der Mond (1938/71) and Die Kluge (1942) belong to a further group of works. Orff was fascinated by the vocal richness of dialects and also wrote works utilising Old Bavarian: Die Bernauerin (1946). His final stage composition, the mystery play De temporum fine comoedia, was premiered at the Salzburg Festival in 1973.

Carmina Burana is Orff’s most famous composition. The staged cantata consisting of a collection of songs was based on texts from a mediaeval manuscript housed in the monastery Benediktbeuern. Orff created incredibly dynamic music combining archaic harmony and pulsating dance-like rhythms. The powerful chorus “Fortuna” which frames the vernal, drinking and love songs has made Carmina Burana one of the most frequently performed works of the 20th century.

Carl Orff received honorary doctorates from the Universities of Tübingen (1959) and Munich (1972) and also the Great Order of Merit with Star and shoulder ribbon of the Federal Republic pf Germany (1972). In 1947, he was awarded the Music Prize of the City of Munich and in 1974 the Romano Guardini Prize by the Catholic Academy of Bavaria. Carl Orff was made honorary citizen of the City of Munich and became a member of the Order pour le Mérite for science and the arts. The Carl Orff Museum in Dießen on Lake Ammer, commemorates the life and work of the composer; numerous educational establishments, schools and institutions have been named after him.


Liste d'œuvres


Born in Munich on 20 July
Birth of his sister Maria (Mia)
First piano lessons
Marsfeld School
Ludwig High School
Wittelsbacher High School
Songs for voice and piano
"Zarathustra" (after Nietzsche) for baritone, three male choirs and orchestra
Studies at the Academy of Music
"Gisei" (Das Opfer) music drama
"Tanzende Faune", orchestral play
"Treibhauslieder". A tragedy after poems by Maurice Maeterlinck
Studies with Hermann Zilcher
Kapellmeister at the Munich Kammerspiele
First version of "Ein Sommernachtstraum" (unfinished)
Military service. Narrowly escapes death by burial under rubble on the Eastern front.
Kapellmeister at the Mannheim Nationaltheater and the Darmstadt Hoftheater
Music for Büchner´s "Leonce und Lena"
Returns to Munich
Studies old masters, especially of the 16th and 17th centuries
Begins to teach private pupils
Lieder after texts by Klabund, Dehmel, Lenau and Nietzsche
Studies with Heinrich Kaminski
Songs for voice and piano after texts by Franz Werfel
"Des Turmes Auferstehung" (Werfel) for two bass voices, large orchestra and organ
Second version for two male choirs, large orchestra and organ
Draft of an arrangement of Bach's "Kunst der Fuge" for several orchestras and choirs
Married to Alice Solscher
Birth of daughter Godela
Begins to study Monteverdi
New dramaturgical and musical arrangement of Monteverdi's "L´Orfeo"
Together with Dorothee Günther, founds the Günther School for gymnastics, rhythm, music and dance in Munich
New arrangement of Monteverdi's "Lamento d`Arianna"
17 April: World premiere of "Orpheus" (1st version) at the Mannheim Nationaltheater
New arrangement of Monteverdi's "Ballo delle Ingrate" (1608) (after the 7th and 8th book of madrigals) as satyr play of "Orpheus" under the title "Tanz der Spröden"
28 December: World premiere of "Tanz der Spröden" (1st version) at the Karlsruhe Landestheater
Organal cantus-firmus pieces
"Kleines Konzert" for harpsichord, flute, oboe, bassoon, trumpet, trombone and percussion after lute pieces of the 16th century
11 December: World premiere of "Kleines Konzert" in Munich, as part of the "Vereinigung für Zeitgenössische Musik"
"Entrata" (after William Byrd) for five-choir orchestra and organ
Second version of "Ein Sommernachtstraum" (unfinished draft)
13 October: World premiere of the 2nd version of "Orpheus" at the Munich Residenztheater
Performance of "Entrata" using radio and loudspeakers by Hermann Scherchen in Königsberg
Cantatas after texts by Franz Werfel (Book of Works I)
Catulli Carmina I, II (choral pieces)
Choral pieces after texts by Bert Brecht (Book of Works II)
Publication of the first Schulwerk edition: "Orff-Schulwerk Elementare Musikübung" in collaboration with Gunild Keetman
Plans for founding a "Münchner Turm- und Stadtmusik" (= ensemble of town musicians in Munich)
Arrangement of Bavarian folk music with Kurt Huber
28 April: First Performance of the "St. Luke Passion" at the "Vereinigung für Zeitgenössische Musik" in Munich
Conductor of the Munich Bach Society
Arrangement for stage and concert performance and presentation of Heinrich Schütz' " Historia der Auferstehung Jesu Christi" at the Bach Society
8 June: "Carmina Burana", World premiere, Städtische Bühnen, Frankfurt am Main
Married to Getrud Willert
5 February: "Der Mond", World premiere at the Munich Bayerische Staatsoper
14 October: "Ein Sommernachtstraum" (3rd version), first performance, Städtische Bühnen, Frankfurt am Main
24 August: First performance of the "Entrata" (new version) in Frankfurt am Main
4 October: Performance of the 3rd version of "Orpheus" at the Dresden Staatsoper
30 November: Performance of all three Monteverdi works at the Reußisches Theater Gera
20 February: "Die Kluge", World premiere, Städtische Bühnen, Frankfurt am Main
6 November: "Catulli Carmina", World premiere, Städtische Bühnen, Leipzig
Fourth Version of "Ein Sommernachtstraum" (not performed)
15 June: "Die Bernauerin", World premiere, Württembergische Staatstheater, Stuttgart
First Schulwerk broadcasts by the Bavarian Radio, "Die Weihnachtsgeschichte"
9 August: "Antigonae", World premiere, Salzburg Felsenreitschule
Publication of the 2nd Schulwerk edition "Musik für Kinder" in collaboration with Gunild Keetman
Teaches composition at the Munich Staatliche Hochschule für Musik
30 October: "Ein Sommernachtstraum" (5th version), first performance at the Darmstadt Landestheater
14 February: "Trionfo di Afrodite", world premiere at the Teatro della Scala, Milan (in connection with "Carmina Burana" and "Catulli Carmina" under the title "Trionfi - Trittico teatrale")
20 October: "Astutuli", World premiere at the Munich Kammerspiele
Married to Luise Rinser
31 March: "Comoedia de Christi Resurrectione", first broadcast by the Bavarian Television Channel
3 August: "Die Sänger der Vorwelt", choral pieces after a text by Friedrich Schiller, world premiere in Stuttgart
4 December. "Nänie und Dithyrambe", choral pieces after texts by Friedrich Schiller, world premiere in Bremen
Member of the order "Pour le mérite" for science and arts
21 April: "Comoedia de Christi Resurrectione", World premiere of stage version, Württembergische Staatstheater, Stuttgart (Wieland Wagner)
15 May: "Lamenti - Trittico teatrale liberamente tratto da opere di Claudio Monteverdi"; First performance at the Schwetzingen Festival
11 December: "Oedipus des Tyrann", World premiere at the Württembergische Staatstheater
Honorary doctorate from the University of Tübingen
Marries Liselotte Schmitz
11 December: "Ludus de nato infante mirificus", World premiere at the Württembergische Staatstheater, Stuttgart
Foundation of the seminar and centre for the Orff-Schulwerk at the Salzburg Mozarteum
Schulwerk lecture tours to Canada, Japan and Portugal
Inauguration of the Orff Institute in Salzburg
12 March: "Ein Sommernachtstraum" (6th version), first performance at the Württembergische Staatstheater, Stuttgart
24 March: "Prometheus", World premiere at the Württembergische Staatstheater, Stuttgart
Honorary doctorate from the University of Munich
Grand Cross with star and ribbon for Distinguished Service of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
20 August: "De temporum fine comedia", World premiere at the Salzburg Großes Festspielhaus
Romano Guardini Award of the Catholic Academy in Bavaria
Worked on the eight-volume documentation "Carl Orff und sein Werk"
Dies in Munich on 29 March
Burried at the Schmerzhafte Kapelle of the Andechs monatery church on 3 April



Par ordre décroissant
  • Carmina Burana
    Chef d'orchestre: Paul Valk
    16 février 2025 | Leiden (Pays-Bas) , Pieterskerk
  • Carmina Burana
    Chef d'orchestre: Eberhard Rex
    Orchestre: Vereinigte Jugendorchester; Bläser des Jugendblasorchesters Luzern
    17 février 2025 | Luzern (Suisse) , KKL
  • Carmina Burana
    Chef d'orchestre: Hilmar Körzinger
    Orchestre: Czech Symphony Orchestra
    22 février 2025 | Dresden (Allemagne) , Kulturpalast, Konzertsaal
  • Carmina Burana
    Chef d'orchestre: Rasmus Baumann
    22 février 2025 | Gelsenkirchen (Allemagne) , Musiktheater im Revier
  • Carmina Burana
    Chef d'orchestre: Martina Batic
    Orchestre: DR SymfoniOrkestret
    27 février 2025 | København (Danemark) , DR Koncerthuset
  • Carmina Burana
    Chef d'orchestre: Martina Batic
    Orchestre: DR SymfoniOrkestret
    28 février 2025 | København (Danemark) , DR Koncerthuset
  • Carmina Burana
    Chef d'orchestre: David Reiland
    Orchestre: Orchestre National de Metz
    28 février 2025 | Metz (France) , Arsenal Jean-Marie Rausch, Grande Salle
  • Carmina Burana
    Chef d'orchestre: Martina Batic
    Orchestre: DR SymfoniOrkestret
    1 mars 2025 | København (Danemark) , DR Koncerthuset
  • Carmina Burana
    Chef d'orchestre: David Reiland
    Orchestre: Orchestre National de Metz
    1 mars 2025 | Metz (France) , Arsenal Jean-Marie Rausch, Grande Salle
  • Carmina Burana
    Chef d'orchestre: David Reiland
    Orchestre: Orchestre National de Metz
    2 mars 2025 | Metz (France) , Arsenal Jean-Marie Rausch, Grande Salle
  • Carmina Burana
    Chef d'orchestre: Rasmus Baumann
    9 mars 2025 | Gelsenkirchen (Allemagne) , Musiktheater im Revier
  • Carmina Burana
    Chef d'orchestre: Christoph Kuhn
    Orchestre: Instrumentalkollegium Bern
    14 mars 2025 | Bern (Suisse) , Grosse Halle der Reitschule
    Aufführung von Auszügen
  • Carmina Burana
    Chef d'orchestre: Christoph Kuhn
    Orchestre: Instrumentalkollegium Bern
    15 mars 2025 | Bern (Suisse) , Grosse Halle der Reitschule
    Aufführung von Auszügen
  • Carmina Burana
    Chef d'orchestre: Christoph Kuhn
    Orchestre: Instrumentalkollegium Bern
    16 mars 2025 | Bern (Suisse) , Grosse Halle der Reitschule
    Aufführung von Auszügen
  • Carmina Burana
    Chef d'orchestre: Rasmus Baumann
    30 mars 2025 | Gelsenkirchen (Allemagne) , Musiktheater im Revier
  • Carmina Burana
    Chef d'orchestre: Jean-Marie Puissant
    Orchestre: Ensemble Allegri
    8 mai 2025 | Rethel (France)
  • Carmina Burana
    Chef d'orchestre: Jean-Marie Puissant
    Orchestre: Ensemble Allegri
    10 mai 2025 | Reims (France)
  • Carmina Burana
    Chef d'orchestre: Jean-Marie Puissant
    Orchestre: Ensemble Allegri
    11 mai 2025 | Combs la Ville (France)
  • Astutuli
    25 mai 2025 | München (Allemagne) , Marionettentheater
  • Par ordre décroissant