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Hans Günther Bastian

Hans Günther Bastian

Pays d'origine: Allemagne
Date d'anniversaire: 22 juin 1944
Date de décès: 11 juillet 2011

À propos de Hans Günther Bastian

Univ. Prof. (em.) Dr. phil. Hans Günther Bastian, born in Niederzeuzheim on 22 June 1944 and died in Salzburg on July 11 2011 studied music, mathematics and Catholic theology at the Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main for a teaching degree for primary and middle schools.

From 1966 to 1975 he worked as a teacher at various schools of different types in Hesse, then as an assistant professor of education at the Institute of Musicology and Music Education at the University of Gießen and, in addition to his teaching activities, studied systematic musicology, educational science and educational psychology. In 1980 he received a PhD with his thesis 'Neue Musik im Schülerurteil'. In the same year, Hans Günther Bastian was appointed professor of music education at the University of Bonn. From 1986 to 1998 he was professor at the University of Paderborn, teaching primarily empirical music education and applied music education (psychology).

Hans Günther Bastian is the founding director of the 'Institut für Begabungsforschung und Begabtenförderung in der Musik' (IBFF). In 1997 he was appointed to two posts: as professor of music education at the Mozarteum University of Salzburg and as professor at the Goethe University of Frankfurt/Main. Until his retirement in 2005, he held the chair of music education there.

Hans Günther Bastian's work and research is focussed on the field of empirical research in music education. One project widely noticed by the public was his long-term study at primary schools in Berlin: 'Zum Einfluss erweiterter Musikerziehung auf die allgemeine und individuelle Entwicklung von Kindern' [About the influence of extended music education on the general and individual development of children]. The results of the study were published by Schott Music in 2000 under the title of Musik(erziehung) und ihre Wirkung. A short version of the study, which is understandable even to non-experts, is also available in paperback format under the title of Kinder optimal fördern-mit Musik'. Further information on Hans Günther Bastian and his work is available on his web site. In addition to numerous music education publications, Schott Music has published the five-volume work Chorleitung – Theorie und Praxis.
