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Arnold Schönberg

Arnold Schönberg

Pays d'origine: L'Autriche
Date d'anniversaire: 13 septembre 1874
Date de décès: 13 juillet 1951

À venir

Ein Überlebender aus Warschau
Chef d'orchestre: Joshua Weilerstein
Orchestre: Orchestre National de Lille
16 mars 2025 | Lille (France) , Nouveau Siècle, Auditorium
Ein Überlebender aus Warschau
Chef d'orchestre: Joshua Weilerstein
Orchestre: Orchestre National de Lille
17 mars 2025 | Paris (France) , Philharmonie

À propos de Arnold Schönberg

Arnold Schoenberg was born in Vienna on 13 September 1874 as son of the Jewish merchant Samuel Schoenberg and his wife Pauline. As early as 1882 he took his first violin lessons and made his first attempts at composing. After finishing school in 1890, he started to train as a clerk in a bank and worked for the private bank Werner & Co in Vienna until 1895. In 1894, being a member of the amateur orchestra ’Polyhymnia’, he met his future teacher and brother-in-law Alexander Zemlinsky. In the following years Schoenberg devoted himself mainly to composing and directing workers’ choirs. In 1901, upon recommendation of Richard Strauss, he got a job as musical director at the Berlin cabaret ’Überbrettl’ and in 1902 taught composition at the Stern Conservatoire. In 1903 he returned to Vienna where he set up as a composer and teacher of composition.

Among the pupils he taught at the progressive ’Schwarzwald-Schule’ in Vienna, were Alban Berg and Anton Webern among others. In his ’Harmonielehre’ of 1911 Schoenberg digested his experience of teaching.
Apart from working as a composer, he also turned to painting from 1907. He contributed to the almanac ’Der blaue Reiter’ published by Wassily Kandinsky and Franz Marc. He was also successful in the field of music with performances of his melodrama cycle Pierrot lunaire Op. 21 (1912) and the world première of Gurrelieder (1913) in Vienna.

After scandal concerts with atonal works and futile attempts to get a university job, Schoenberg began to work again as teacher at the Stern Conservatoire in 1913. From 1915 to 1918 he was called up for military service. After World War I Schoenberg founded the Society for Private Musical Performances (1918-1921) the object of which was, above all, to give public rehearsals and performances of contemporary progressive music. In 1923 he publicly announced his twelve-note serial method of composition.
From 1925 Schoenberg took charge of the master class in composition at the Prussian Academy of Arts in Berlin, in succession to Ferruccio Busoni. During that time he was appointed honorary member of the Academia Santa Cecilia in Rome. In 1932 he finished the opera Moses and Aron.

In 1933, the year the National Socialists took over power, Schoenberg had to give up his post at the Berlin Academy. That year he emigrated to the USA via Paris and found a job as music teacher at the Malkin Conservatoire in Boston. From 1936 to 1944 he held a professorship in music in the University of California at Los Angeles. In 1941 he was granted American citizenship. In 1947 he was elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, in 1949 the city of Vienna conferred the freedom of the city on him. Schoenberg died in Los Angeles on 13 July 1951.

Unlike any other composer of his time, Schoenberg initiated a radical change towards New Music. Nevertheless he always saw his works of the Second Viennese School as logical continuation of Western, particularly Austrian music tradition. As teacher of composition he shaped several generations of important musicians and composers. Since the 1950s the twelve-note technique developed by him has become the basis of serial composition techniques.

Please visit the website of the Arnold Schoenberg Center www.schoenberg.at

Liste d'œuvres


Born in Vienna on 13 September
First violin lessons
Composes his first fully extant work "In hellen Träumen hab ich Dich oft geschaut"
Meets Alexander Zemlinsky as member of the amateur orchestra ‘Polyhymnia’
Conductor of the metalworker choir in Stockerau
Conversion to Protestantism
Composes the string sextet "Verklärte Nacht" Op. 4
Marries Mathilde Zemlinsky
Birth of daughter Gertrude on 8 January
Co-founds the "Vereinigung schaffender Tonkünstler" [Society of Creative Musicians] 
Alban Berg, Anton Webern and Egon Wellesz become pupils of Schönberg.
World premiere of "Pelleas et Melisande" Op. 5 in Vienna
Birth of son Georg on 22 September
World premiere of the "Kammersymphonie" Op. 9 in Vienna
World premiere of "String Quartet No. 2" Op. 10 in Vienna
Composes "Fünfzehn Gedichte" aus 'Das Buch der hängenden Gärten' von Stefan George" Op. 15, "Fünf Orchesterstücke" Op. 16 and the monodrama "Erwartung" Op. 17
Occupies himself intensively with painting 
Exhibition of Schönberg’s paintings at the Heller Gallery in Vienna
Meets Wassily Kandinsky 
Paintings of Schönberg are displayed in the exhibition "Der blaue Reiter" at the Thannhauser Gallery in Munich. 
Schönberg completes the work on his "Harmonielehre". 
Composes "Sechs kleine Klavierstücke" Op. 19
World premiere of "Pierrot lunaire" Op. 21 in Berlin
World premiere of "Gurre-Lieder" in Vienna 
‘Skandalkonzert’ or ‘Watschenkonzert’ [Scandalous Concert] at the Vienna Concert Society with works by Schönberg and his pupils
Composes "Die Jakobsleiter". The work remains unfinished.
‘Seminar for Composition’ at the Schwarzwald School in Vienna 
Founds the Society for Private Musical Performances
Hanns Eisler, Rudolf Kolisch and Karl Rankl become pupils of Schönberg.
Composes the first dodecaphonic works: "Fünf Klavierstücke" Op. 23, "Suite für Klavier" Op. 25, "Serenade" Op. 24
Marries Gertrud Kolisch
Directs the master class for composition at the Berlin Academy of Arts (in succession to Ferruccio Busoni)
World premiere of the first dodecaphonic stage work "Von Heute auf Morgen" Op. 32
Birth of daughter Dorothea Nuria on 7 May
Dismissed from the Academy and emigrates to Paris after the National Socialists have come to power 
Reconversion to the Jewish faith 
Emigrates to the USA 
Teaches at the Malkin Conservatoire in Boston and New York
Moves to Los Angeles, CA
Holds lectures at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles
John Cage takes private composition lessons with Schönberg.
Professor of Music at the University of California
Birth of son Ronald on 26 May
World premiere of the choral work "Kol Nidre" Op. 39 in Los Angeles
Birth of son Lawrence on 27 January
World premiere of the "Concerto for Piano and Orchestra" Op. 42
Member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters
World premiere of "A Survivor from Warsaw" Op. 46
Publication of the essay collection "Style and Idea" 
Completes the work "Preliminary Exercises in Counterpoint"
Named honorary president of the Israel Music Academy in Jerusalem 
World premiere of "Der Tanz um das Goldene Kalb" [The Dance Round the Golden Calf] from the fragmentary opera "Moses und Aron" in Darmstadt
Schönberg dies in Los Angeles,CA on 13 July.



Par ordre décroissant
  • A Survivor from Warsaw
    Chef d'orchestre: Joshua Weilerstein
    Orchestre: Orchestre National de Lille
    16 mars 2025 | Lille (France) , Nouveau Siècle, Auditorium
  • A Survivor from Warsaw
    Chef d'orchestre: Joshua Weilerstein
    Orchestre: Orchestre National de Lille
    17 mars 2025 | Paris (France) , Philharmonie
  • Von Heute auf Morgen
    Chef d'orchestre: Gerrit Prießnitz
    10 mai 2025 | Innsbruck (L'Autriche) , Tiroler Landestheater, Großes Haus — Première soirée
  • Von Heute auf Morgen
    Chef d'orchestre: Gerrit Prießnitz
    23 mai 2025 | Innsbruck (L'Autriche) , Tiroler Landestheater, Großes Haus
  • Von Heute auf Morgen
    Chef d'orchestre: Gerrit Prießnitz
    1 juin 2025 | Innsbruck (L'Autriche) , Tiroler Landestheater, Großes Haus
  • Von Heute auf Morgen
    Chef d'orchestre: Gerrit Prießnitz
    12 juin 2025 | Innsbruck (L'Autriche) , Tiroler Landestheater, Großes Haus
  • Von Heute auf Morgen
    Chef d'orchestre: Gerrit Prießnitz
    15 juin 2025 | Innsbruck (L'Autriche) , Tiroler Landestheater, Großes Haus
  • Von Heute auf Morgen
    Chef d'orchestre: Gerrit Prießnitz
    18 juin 2025 | Innsbruck (L'Autriche) , Tiroler Landestheater, Großes Haus
  • Par ordre décroissant