• Joy of Music – Plus de 250 ans de qualité, innovation et tradition

Thelonious Hamel

À propos de Thelonious Hamel

Thelonious Hamel is a multidisciplinary musician, composer and performance artist living between Salzburg (Austria) and Munich (Germany). He has also gained experience as a writer and journalist (internship at BR-Klassik in Munich, 2018). As a longtime musician, Thelonious has developed a style in which sound design and music flow into each other, so that recipient and communicator are in a fluid exchange. The symbiotic emulsion of sound design and music meets electronic tools to create a form that is both organic and artificial. The focus is on the birth of the own idea. The musician tries to give approaches so that the recipient in focus can create music and ideas independently. The music can be understood as the wish to disappear, opening a space for something else. In addition, he collects in his Multimedia Art Master (FH Salzburg) competencies that also go beyond multimedia composing. Thus, the artist also accompanies and enriches projects, musicians and groups himself and acts as a producer.

