Rundfunkchor Berlin
À propos de Rundfunkchor Berlin
For many decades the Rundfunkchor Berlin has been working closely together with the Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin, and it is now a sought after partner for nearly all the top European orchestras. Concert tours in recent years have taken it to Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and several times to the United States. The repertoire of the Rundfunkchor Berlin includes the classics of choral symphonic music, spanning from Bach and rediscovered oratorios by Handel by way of concert performances of forgotten operas to rarely heard a cappella music from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries.The Rundfunkchor was founded in 1925 as the Berliner Funk-Chor, disbanded by the National Socialists in 1943, and revived after the war by Helmut Koch. Conductors such as Heinz Rögner, Wolf-Dieter Hauschild, and, beginning in 1982, Dietrich Knothe turned the choir into one of the most sought after concert choirs in Europe. In 1994 the Englishman Robin Gritton took over as director of the choir. He systematically expanded its repertoire and worked to develop a transparent choral sound that was open to modulation. The Rundfunkchor Berlin is indebted to him for the subtle shaping of its tonal image. Sigurd Brauns has been working with the Rundfunkchor Berlin since 1979 as assistant to the principal conductor.
Since 2001 Simon Halsey has been principal conductor of the Rundfunkchor Berlin. A long-standing director of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra Chorus for many years and artistic partner of Sir Simon Rattle, Halsey expanded the repertoire of the Rundfunkchor Berlin to include the great choral traditions of the English-speaking world. He considers it important to have direct, intense contact to his audience, and so presents so-called “sing along” concerts, regularly.
Compositeur: Hans Werner HenzeLibrettiste: Edward Bond | Hans Werner HenzeChef d'orchestre: Robin Gritton | Marek JanowskiOrchestre/Ensemble: Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester BerlinChoeur: Rundfunkchor BerlinMedia Type: CDNuméro du produit: WER 66802CDCDEn stock18,50 €TTC, hors expédition
Oratorio for Soloists, Choir and OrchestraCompositeur: Pablo Neruda | Mikis TheodorakisInterprète: Alexandra Papadjiakou | Frangiskos VoutsinosOrchestre/Ensemble: Berliner InstrumentalistenChef d'orchestre: Sigurd Brauns | Lukas KarytinosChoeur: Rundfunkchor BerlinMedia Type: 2 CDsNuméro du produit: INT 31142CDCDEn stock24,50 €TTC, hors expédition
Oratorio in three parts after a text by Gottfried Benn for soloists, mixed choir, boys' choir and orchestraCompositeur: Paul HindemithLibrettiste: Gottfried Benn | Paul HindemithInterprète: Gottfried Benn | Artur Korn | Siegfried Lorenz | Ulrike Sonntag | Robert WörleOrchestre/Ensemble: Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester BerlinChoeur: Rundfunkchor Berlin | Rundfunkkinderchor BerlinChef d'orchestre: Lothar ZagrosekMedia Type: 2 CDsNuméro du produit: WER 66032CDCDEn stock32,50 €TTC, hors expédition
Compositeur: Heinrich SutermeisterInterprète: Siegfried Hausmann | Luba Orgonasova | Roman TrekelChef d'orchestre: Heinz RögnerOrchestre/Ensemble: Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester BerlinChoeur: Rundfunkchor BerlinMedia Type: CDNuméro du produit: WER 62942CDCDEn stock18,50 €TTC, hors expédition
Vom Konzept zum KonzertAuteur: Simon HalseyMedia Type: Livre avec DVDEdition: 2 DVD'sSérie: Schott Master Class
Langue: AllemandNuméro du produit: ED 21050Livre + DVDLivre + DVDEn stock46,00 €TTC, hors expédition -
for mixed chorus and orchestraCompositeur: Hans Werner HenzeLibrettiste: Hans-Ulrich TreichelChef d'orchestre: Marek JanowskiOrchestre/Ensemble: Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester BerlinChoeur: Rundfunkchor BerlinMedia Type: CDNuméro du produit: WER 67222CDCDEn stock18,50 €TTC, hors expédition
Media Type: CDNuméro du produit: WER 66292CDCDEn stock18,50 €TTC, hors expédition
A Requiem 'For those we love' after a text by Walt WhitmanCompositeur: Paul HindemithInterprète: Krister St. Hill | Cornelia KallischOrchestre/Ensemble: Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester BerlinChoeur: Rundfunkchor BerlinChef d'orchestre: Lothar ZagrosekMedia Type: CDNuméro du produit: WER 62862CDCDEn stock18,50 €TTC, hors expédition