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2-3 Tage

King of the Forest - The Red Deer Rut

Natural Sound recorded by Walter Tilgner
Numéro du produit: SM 90092
17,50 €
TTC, hors expédition
Title is available

Détails du produit


Listening to the sounds of the forest, when the trees are arrayed in all the glory of their autumn colours, is a very special experience. Autumn is also the most important time of the year for the Red Deer, the rutting season, and in the song of birds too you can already hear a faint hint of the spring courtship to come. Booklet contains several sonograms and detailed explanations to the various sounds of the rutting season.

"Merlin’s totem animal, the red deer, is the focus of the CD King of the Forest. It transports the listener to a forest clearing at night ... A red deer is quietly roaring. Tree frogs croak. An older deer responds to a rival in the distance. More and more deer approach the rutting-place. The clash of antlers in battle. A loud cry. The deer withdraw into the denser undergrowth. A robin titters. The day awakens... Recordings from the National Park at Darss, a few hundred meters from the beaches of the Baltic Sea." (Die Zeit)

For further information on Walter Tilgner, please visit his website: www.natur-tilgner.de


Sound of the sea on the western shore of the Darss peninsula (Baltic coast of Germany)
Midday in a mixed beech forest by the "ancient shore of the sea"
Dusk at the Red Deer rutting-place
High point of the rut, night-time
"The Wood Resounds" = bonus track (Schellac disc by Ludwig Koch, 1934)


Natural Sound recorded by Walter Tilgner

Plus d'infos

King of the Forest - The Red Deer Rut
Natural Sound recorded by Walter Tilgner
Maison d'édition:
68 ′32 ′′

Détails techniques

Numéro du produit:
SM 90092
0,11 kg

Preview/Media Contents


Plus de cette série


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Seit Jahren ist die dokumentarische Erfassung von Naturhörbildern mit dem Kunstkopf-Stereomikrofon Walter Tilgners Hauptanliegen.


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