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The CD was awarded the Quarterly German Record Critics' Award!
Wenn du meinen Namen sagst, werde ich dich ficken! / If you say my name, I’ll fuck you!
Dandale (Name einer Komponistin / Name of a female composer) / Al-Harib (Der Krieg / The war) / Zozei (Name eines Mädchens / Name of a girl)
Begufudi heree tortani talhilayu / Ein weißer Adler kommt in das Dorf / A white eagle comes into the village
Al-Khartoum bulafoda, jinzitayu amazotayeh / In Khartoum gibt es viel Geld, trotzdem musste er zurückkommen / In Khartoum there is plenty of money, nevertheless he had to come back
Absira angimogi nalyamingo / Was machst du, Abu Sira? Ich bin deine Tante! / What are you doing, Abu Sira? I am your aunt!
Gera esharbeh dirshonewtang maiodufa / Die Frau schlief auf einer alten, dreckigen Matte / The woman slept on an old, dirty mat
Akharo (Instrumentalstück / Instrumental piece)
Abrahiim ba’i wathila agodi / Abrahiim weint: “Wo ist mein Bruder?” / Abrahiim is crying, ”where is my brother?”
Aba Musa ladoiya / Aba Musa lässt grüßen! / Greetings by Aba Musa!
Trommelsignal / Drum Signal
Shudalu baghude / Weiße Ameise ('Termite') / White ant (‘termite’)
Al-khawaja bale wasalo la Gafilli / Der kleine "khawaja" (Europäer) kam nach Gafilli / The little "khawaja" (European) came to Gafilli
Bartha waiyo / Bartha als Sieger im Wettstreit / Bartha, the winner
Ein Abend mit der Flötengruppe / An evening with the flute ensemble
Fasinje? / Wohin gehst du? / Where do you go?
Sitto gurri shimong tango / Jemand verzauberte ein Mädchen mit schwarzer Magie / Somebody enchanted a girl with black magic
Hashi lilo holli / Oh Jungen, warum steht ihr an der Wasserstelle? / Oh Boys, why are you waiting at the water hole?
Hokke / Das Erntefest / The Harvest Festival
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World Music – What Is Distant? What Is Near?
World Music is a not uncontroversial term for the rich variety of musical culture of our planet, and it comprises not only the musical traditions of the rural parts of Africa, Asia, and Latin America but also those of the high cultures of the Indian subcontinent, Japan, and China as well as the popular music of urban metropolises throughout the world today.
This edition of CDs, most of which were produced in cooperation with Berlin’s House of the Cultures of the World and the Music Department of Berlin’s Ethnological Museum, mixes up the categories of “foreign” and “familiar” not only by bringing closer things that are unknown and unfamiliar but also by revealing the familiar in the foreign and the foreign in the familiar.
The encounter with the varied musical ideas that exist outside of our own culture has made us more aware of our own categories and shown us that we can no longer operate with a single compulsory aesthetic but that we must instead speak of innumerable distinctive aesthetics. This conclusion is supported both by the extraordinary recordings and the high quality of the booklet texts on the WELTMUSIK label.