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Riverrun: Voicings / Soundscapes

Von der menschlichen Stimme, dem Universum der Klänge und Geräusche inmitten der Stille. Klangreise in das Studio Akustische Kunst des WDR von Klaus Schöning
Product number: WER 63072
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For Acoustic Art, all of the audible events are components of equal value. Acoustic Art is a melting pot of heterogeneous acoustic elements. Acoustic Art: a world of language and a world of sounds and noises from the acoustic environment. A language that tends toward sounds, to the sound of language and to music, the all-sound of notes. As a new genre of the electronic age, like film, Acoustic Art developed its own language. Like filmmakers, audio artists have also blurred the distinction between author and director: they usually realize their pieces themselves.
"riverrun" - the title of the two sound montages of this CD edition, with excerpts from a few of the many productions by the "Studio of Acoustic Art", cites the first word of the multilingual sound poetry of "Finnegans Wake" by James Joyce, a work whose end leads back to its beginning and which the Irish writer described as "soundsense". Soundsense is also a key to Ars Acustica. The sound quotations selected here give something of the inexhaustible richness of this art. Its language is a language of many languages whose wandering alphabet is open to everything audible.
In "Voicings", the first sound montage, the wide-ranging, expressive organ of the human voice forms the acoustic panorama: beginning with quotations of the beginnings of language, first articulations, prelinguistic sounds and word formations, multilingual sequences, and language as a testimony in which history presents itself as a series of sorrowful conflicts. These are meditative compositions for voice that range from an evocation to memory to an evocative hint of cultures rich in tradition. "Soundscapes", the second sound montage, is a journey through works that are mostly not tied to language, through real or imaginary soundscapes, through sound compositions of the Studio's Metropolis series, in which international artists have sketched audio visions, and even the "Topography of a SoundMind".


CD 1 – Voicings:
John Cage: Muoyce. Writing for the fifth time through Finnegans Wake
Charles Amirkhanian: Pas de voix
Henri Chopin: Le Corpsbis
Carlfriedrich Claus: Lautaggregat [Sound aggregate]
Alvin Curran: erat verbum (alpha)
Gerhard Rühm: Gebet [Prayer]
Franz Mon: Artikulationen [Articulations]
Hans G Helms: Fa:m‘ Ahniesgwow
Stephan von Huene: Erweiterter Schwitters. Eine Transplantation [Extended Schwitters. A transplantation]
Ernst Jandl / Friederike Mayröcker: Spaltungen [Divisions]
Sorrel Hays: Celebration of NO
Carlo Quartucci: Penthesilea Aubade nach Heinrich von Kleist
Hans Ulrich Humpert: Andromache nach Motiven des Euripides und Sartres [after motifs from Euripides and Sartre]
Gerhard Rühm / Klaus Schöning: Ophelia and the Words
Linda Mussman: Danton’s Death after Georg Büchner
Mauricio Kagel:. .. nach einer Lektüre von Orwell. Hörspiel in germanischer Metasprache [... after a reading of Orwell: A Hörspiel in Germanic metalanguage]
Werner Cee: Elegien [Elegies]
Robert HP Platz: Andere Räume [Other spaces]
Alvin Curran: For Julian
Hans Otte: Voicings
Ferdinand Kriwet: Radio. Hörtext 16
Barry Bermange: SOS
Paul Carter: 7448. Eine kolumbische Phantasie [A Columbian fantasy]
Josephine Truman: Sdreamings
Alison Knowles: Bean Sequences
Jerome Rothenberg: Das Hörspiel des Bibers. Ein Testament [The Beaver‘s Hörspiel. A Testimony]
Malcolm Goldstein: Ishi/Timechangingspaces
Jack Body: Vox Humana. Audio Portrait
Anne Tardos / Jackson MacLow: Für Stimmen [For voices]
Pauline Oliveros: Humayun’s Tomb
Philip Corner: Satie’s Rose Cross as a Revelation
George Brecht: Das Hsin Hsin Ming des Seng Ts’an [The Hsin Hsin Ming of Seng Ts’an]
John Cage: Roaratorio. Ein Irischer Circus über Finnegans Wake [An Irish Circus on Finnegans Wake]
- CD 2 – Soundscapes:
Bill Fontana: Ohrbrücke / Soundbridge Köln – San Francisco
R. Murray Schafer: The Vancouver Soundscape
Marielouise Franke: Metropolis Venedig. Venezia Exaudi. Eine Inseltopophonie [An island topophony]
Joan La Barbara: Sound Painting Cologne
Mauricio Kagel: Nah und Fern. Radiostück für Glocken und Trompeten mit Hintergrund [Near and far. Radio piece for bells and trumpets with background]
Francisco Kröpfl: Metropolis Buenos Aires
Michael Riessler: Ji-Virus
Emmanuelle Loubet: Metropolis Tokyo. Im Rennschritt [At a sprint]
Bill Fontana: Satelliten-Klangbrücke / Satellite Sound Bridge Köln – Kyoto
Klarenz Barlow: CCU. Metropolis Calcutta
Richard Kostelanetz: Metropolis New York
Pierre Henry: La Ville. Die Stadt. Metropolis Paris
Richard Ortmann / Raimund Fleiter / Ralf R. Wassermann: Klanglandschaft Ruhrgebiet. Einmal Herne und zurück [Soundscape Ruhr Valley. A round-trip ticket to Herne]
Thomas Schulz: Lingua X Tichon oder Die Bedeutung des Weges [The meaning of the path]
Peter Pannke: Alles ein atmendes Buch. Klanglandschaft Kumaon [Everything a breathing book. Soundscape Kumaon]
Douglas Quin: Forests / Wälder
Ronald Steckel: Schweigende Landschaft [Silent Landscape]
Charles Morrow: Arctic – Kristallklar
Susan Stone: Virginia Reel. Eine südliche Klanglandschaft [A Southern soundscape]
Randy Thom: Ear Circus No. 1
Nicola Sani: Matera Sassi
Arsenije Jovanoviç: Metropolis Arles
Sarah Hopkins: From our Dreams and Visions
Ros Bandt: Mungo
Sorrel Hays: Sound Shadows
Frank Corcoran: Sweeney‘s Vision
Malcolm Goldstein: Topography of a Sound Mind in memoriam John Cage


Charles Amirkhanian, Ros Bandt, Klarenz Barlow, Barry Bermange, Jack Body, George Brecht, John Cage, Paul Carter, Werner Cee, Henri Chopin, Carlfriedrich Claus, Frank Corcoran, Philip Corner, Alvin Curran, Raimund Fleiter, Bill Fontana, Marielouise Franke, Malcolm Goldstein, Sorrel Hays, Hans G Helms, Pierre Henry, Sarah Hopkins, Stephan von Huene, Hans Ulrich Humpert, Ernst Jandl, Arsenije Jovanovic, Mauricio Kagel, Alison Knowles, Richard Kostelanetz, Ferdinand Kriwet, Francisco Kröpfl, Joan La Barbara, Emmanuelle Loubet, Jackson MacLow, Friederike Mayröcker, Franz Mon, Charles Morrow, Linda Mussman, Pauline Oliveros, Richard Ortmann, Hans Otte, Peter Pannke, Robert HP Platz, Carlo Quartucci, Douglas Quin, Michael Riessler, Jerome Rothenberg, Gerhard Rühm, Nicola Sani, R. Murray Schafer, Klaus Schöning, Thomas Schulz, Ronald Steckel, Susan Stone, Anne Tardos, Randy Thom, Josephine Truman, Ralph R. Wassermann

More Information

Riverrun: Voicings / Soundscapes
Von der menschlichen Stimme, dem Universum der Klänge und Geräusche inmitten der Stille. Klangreise in das Studio Akustische Kunst des WDR von Klaus Schöning
144 ′22 ′′

Technical Details

Media Type:
2 CDs with 80-page booklet in slipcase
Product number:
WER 63072
0,19 kg


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