Mauricio Kagel
Country of origin:
December 24, 1931
Date of death:
September 18, 2008
About Mauricio Kagel
Mauricio Kagel (b. Buenos Aires, 24 December 1931; d. Cologne, September 2008) is among the most distinctive composers of contemporary music. From the very beginning his name has been associated above all with music theatre, the genre on which he has perhaps exerted the greatest impact. Besides his radical innovations in this area, however, he has also developed a highly personal aesthetic in his absolute music.
Kagel’s creative output has been enormous. It encompasses not only stage, orchestral and chamber music in an extremely wide range of instrumental settings, but also film scores, radio plays and essays. Throughout its broad spectrum, his music reveals a breach with any and all forms of academicism as well as close ties to tradition, especially to the German tradition.
Imagination, originality and humour are the hallmarks of this multimedia artist. With inexhaustible powers of invention, Kagel makes use of a very wide array of expressive devices which, although often caustic and provocative, are always placed in the service of musical discourse.
His works are honoured with several awards. For instance he has got the Erasmus Award (1998), the Ernst von Siemens Music Award 2000, the Großer Rheinischer Kunstpreis (2002) and Honorary Doctorate from Siegen University (2007).
Further information: www.edition-peters.de
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Sabine LiebnerMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73632 Q51606MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€4.99Incl. Tax
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Sabine LiebnerMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73632 Q50883MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€0.99Incl. Tax
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Sabine LiebnerMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73632 Q50881MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€0.99Incl. Tax
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Sabine LiebnerMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73632 Q50879MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€0.99Incl. Tax
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Sabine LiebnerMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73632 Q50877MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€0.99Incl. Tax
Earle Brown Contemporary Sound SeriesComposer: AMM | John Cage | Henry Cowell | Lou Harrison | Mauricio Kagel | MEV - Musica Elettronica Viva | Amadeo Roldán | William Russell | Karlheinz StockhausenEditor: Earle BrownInterpreter: Alan Bryant | John Cage | Cornelius Cardew | Christoph Caskel | Alvin Curran | Lou Gare | Christopher Hobbs | Aloys Kontarsky | Bernhard Kontarsky | Eddie Prévost | Keith Rowe | Frederic Rzewski | Richard Teitelbaum | David Tudor | Ivan VandorConductor: John Cage | Paul PriceMedia Type: 3 CDsProduct number: WER 69282CDCDIn stock€36.50Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
Edition MusikfabrikComposer: Louis Andriessen | Mauricio Kagel | Martin SmolkaInterpreter: Cristina ZavalloniOrchestra/ensemble: Ensemble MusikfabrikConductor: Reinbert de Leeuw | Peter RundelMedia Type: CDProduct number: WER 68532CDCDIn stock€16.50Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Dominik SusteckMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73452 Q51806MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€2.99Incl. Tax
Works for OrganComposer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Dominik SusteckProduct number: WER 73452Product TypeIn stockAs low as €11.99Incl. Tax
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Dominik SusteckMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73452 Q51589MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€3.99Incl. Tax
Works for OrganComposer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Dominik SusteckProduct number: WER 73452 Q51693In stockStarting at €0.99
Editor: Klaus SchoeningText writer: John CageInterpreter: Peter Behrendsen | George Brecht | John Cage | Philip Corner | Alvin Curran | Charles Dodge | Wiltrud Fischer | Malcolm Goldstein | Melissa Gould | Wulf Herzogenrath | Dick Higgins | Mimi Johnson | Mauricio Kagel | Sieglinde Kistner | Richard Kostelanetz | Jackson MacLow | Charles Morrow | Hans Otte | Tao Fay Park | Jerome Rothenberg | Gerhard Ruehm | Nadja Schoening | David Vaughan | Christian WolffStage director: John Cage | Klaus SchoeningNarrator: Klaus ReichertMedia Type: 2 CDsProduct number: WER 63102CDCDIn stock€24.50Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Sabine LiebnerMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73632 Q51626MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€5.99Incl. Tax
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Sabine LiebnerMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73632 Q50884MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€0.99Incl. Tax
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Sabine LiebnerMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73632 Q50882MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€0.99Incl. Tax
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Sabine LiebnerMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73632 Q50880MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€0.99Incl. Tax
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Sabine LiebnerMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73632 Q50878MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€0.99Incl. Tax
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Sabine LiebnerMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73632 Q50864MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€0.99Incl. Tax
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Sabine LiebnerMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73632 Q50875MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€0.99Incl. Tax
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Sabine LiebnerProduct number: WER 73632Product TypeIn stockAs low as €11.99Incl. Tax
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Sabine LiebnerProduct number: WER 73632 Q51709In stockStarting at €0.99
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Sabine LiebnerMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73632 Q51428MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€2.99Incl. Tax
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Dominik SusteckMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73452 Q51545MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€2.99Incl. Tax
Von der menschlichen Stimme, dem Universum der Klänge und Geräusche inmitten der Stille. Klangreise in das Studio Akustische Kunst des WDR von Klaus SchöningComposer: Charles Amirkhanian | Ros Bandt | Klarenz Barlow | Barry Bermange | Jack Body | George Brecht | John Cage | Paul Carter | Werner Cee | Henry Chopin | Carlfriedrich Claus | Frank Corcoran | Philip Corner | Alvin Curran | Raimund Fleiter | Bill Fontana | Marielouise Franke | Malcolm Goldstein | Sorrel Hays | Hans G. Helms | Pierre Henry | Sarah Hopkins | Stephan von Huene | Hans Ulrich Humpert | Ernst Jandl | Arsenije Jovanovic | Mauricio Kagel | Alison Knowles | Richard Kostelanetz | Ferdinand Kriwet | Francisco Kroepfl | Joan La Barbara | Emmanuelle Loubet | Jackson MacLow | Friederike Mayroecker | Franz Mon | Charles Morrow | Linda Mussman | Pauline Oliveros | Richard Ortmann | Hans Otte | Peter Pannke | Carlo Quartucci | Douglas Quin | Michael Riessler | Jerome Rothenberg | Gerhard Ruehm | Nicola Sani | R. Murray Schafer | Thomas Schulz | Ronald Steckel | Susan Stone | Anne Tardos | Randy Thom | Josephine Truman | Ralf R. WassermannMedia Type: 2 CDsProduct number: WER 63072CDCDIn stock€24.50Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Dominik SusteckMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73452 Q51358MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€0.99Incl. Tax
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Dominik SusteckMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73452 Q51805MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€0.99Incl. Tax
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Dominik SusteckMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73452 Q51804MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€0.99Incl. Tax
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Dominik SusteckMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73452 Q51342MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€0.99Incl. Tax
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Dominik SusteckMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73452 Q51534MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€0.99Incl. Tax
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Dominik SusteckMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73452 Q51533MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€0.99Incl. Tax
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Dominik SusteckMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73452 Q51538MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€0.99Incl. Tax
Composer: Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Dominik SusteckMedia Type: MP3 downloadProduct number: WER 73452 Q51315MP3 downloadMP3 downloadIn stock€1.99Incl. Tax
Edition MusikfabrikComposer: Michael Beil | Francesco Filidei | Mauricio KagelInterpreter: Markus BrutscherConductor: Marcus Creed | Emilio Pomàrico | Otto TauskOrchestra/ensemble: Ensemble MusikfabrikMedia Type: CDProduct number: WER 68632CDCDIn stock€18.50Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping