Piano Pieces
Product Details
As early as the age of four, Mozart amazed his father with his quickness of mind at the keyboard. The first works are easy dance movements by the five-year-old who developed with extraordinary speed. During his lifetime, he wrote several piano pieces, apart from the sonatas and variations. The pieces from his youth, most of them written down in the music book for Maria Anna Mozart and in the so-called London sketch book, are mostly short dance movements, but already there are lengthy individual movements as well. From the mid-1770s, there are mainly larger individual works, including fantasias and rondos which can stand up as equals to the sonatas and variations of the Viennese period.
Volume 2 contains the mature works from the later years of composition, including the popular fantasias and rondos as well as several drafts in sonata form completed by comtemporaries of Mozart. In addition, the present edition contains solo piano versions of the Concert Rondo K 382, the rondo from the Duo for violin and viola K 423, as well as the overture of the 'Abduction from the Seraglio'.
Rondo F-Dur KV 590b
Praeambulum KV deest.
Präludium und Fuge KV 394
Romanze As-Dur KV Anh. 205
Rondo (Ariette avec variations) D-Dur KV 382
Rondo D-Dur KV 485| Rondo F-Dur KV 494
Rondo a-Moll KV 511
Allegro (ergänzt von Robert D. Levin) g-Moll KV 312
Suite (Sarabande ergänzt von Robert D. Levin) KV 399
Fantasie c-Moll KV 396
Allegro und Menuett KV498a
Adagio für Glasharmonika C-Dur KV 356
Fuge (Orgelfassung) g-Moll KV 401
Fuge g-Moll KV 154
Fantasie d-Moll KV 397
Fuge Es-Dur KV 153
Allegro (ergänzt von unbekannter Hand) g-Moll KV 312
Rondo G-Dur KV 423
Allegro (ergänzt von Robert D. Levin) B-Dur KV 400
Adagio h-Moll KV 540
6 Deutsche Tänze KV 509
Gigue G-Dur KV 574
Rondo F-Dur KV 616
Marsch C-Dur KV 408/1
Trauermarsch c-Moll KV 453
4 Praeambula KV 395
Ouvertüre zu "Die Entführung aus dem Serail" KV 384/1
Menuett mit Trio von Maximilian Stadler D-Dur KV 355
Fuge (Klavierfassung) g-Moll KV 401