Valerio Sannicandro
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About Valerio Sannicandro
Valerio Sannicandro, born 1971 in Bisceglie, Italy, studied composition with York Höller and Hans Zender and conducting with Peter Eötvös in Germany. He acquired his PhD with a thesis on “Composition as a semiotic process”. As a conductor he participated in the realization of the world premiere of Stockhausen’s “Hoch-Zeiten”. Sannicandro was awarded numerous prizes, such as the Kranichsteiner Musikpreis of the Darmstädter Ferienkurse in 2000, where he was active as a teacher in 2002. In his compositions Valerio Sannicandro intensively addresses the problems of spatialization of
per flauto in Sol, clarinetto in Sib, arpa, viola e violoncelloHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per voce recitante e ensembleHire/performance materialHire/performance material
Versione per quartetto d’archi acustico e live electronicsComposer: Valerio SannicandroMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: string quartet and live electronicsHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per quartetto d'archi elettrico e live electronicsComposer: Valerio SannicandroMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: electronic string quartet and live electronicsHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per ensembleComposer: Valerio SannicandroMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: ensembleHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per cinque strumenti e un percussionistaComposer: Valerio SannicandroMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: flute, oboe, soprano saxophone, trumpet, trombone and percussionHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per otto strumentiHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per theremin, onde martenot e live electronicsHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per violino e elettronica in tempo realeHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per trentadue vociHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per ensembleComposer: Valerio SannicandroMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: ensembleHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per orchestraHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per un percussionista e ensembleHire/performance materialHire/performance material
Composer: Luís Antunes PenaInterpreter: Pavlos Antoniadis | Luís Antunes Pena | Nuno Aroso | Alexander Berezny | Mafalda de Lemos | Michael Pattmann | Rita Redshoes | Edicson Ruiz | Fabian Sattler | Martin von der HeydtOrchestra/ensemble: Asamisimasa | ensemble mosaikConductor: Valerio SannicandroMedia Type: CDProduct number: WER 64162CDCDIn stock€16.50Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
per sei voci e due percussionistiComposer: Valerio SannicandroMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: 6 solo parts (SSMezATB) and 2 percussionistsHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per flauto basso, corno inglese e fagottoHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per sette strumentiHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per violino e orchestraComposer: Valerio SannicandroMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: violin and orchestraHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per voce femminile e ensembleComposer: Valerio SannicandroMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: female voice and ensembleLanguage: FrenchHire/performance materialHire/performance material
Compositions for Tuba and ElectronicsComposer: Georg Katzer | Cort Lippe | Melvyn Poore | Valerio SannicandroInterpreter: Melvyn PooreMedia Type: CDProduct number: WER 20642CDCDIn stock€12.00Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
per sei percussionistiComposer: Valerio SannicandroMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: 6 percussionistsHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per ensembleHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per flauto basso, percussioni e live electronicsHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per oboe, tromba a doppio padiglione, orchestra e elettronica in tempo realeHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per cinque voci solisti, viola e live electronicsComposer: Valerio SannicandroMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: 5 voices, viola and live electronicsHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per orchestra e live electronicsHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per due chitarre amplificate e elettronicaComposer: Valerio SannicandroMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: 2 verstärkte guitars and electronicsHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per orchestraHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per cinque strumentiHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per sei strumentisti e live-electronics in due spaziComposer: Valerio SannicandroMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: 6 instruments and live electronics in 2 roomsHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per due ensemble in due sale da concertoHire/performance materialHire/performance material
for two ensembles in two rooms - ZKM electronicComposer: Valerio SannicandroInterpreter: Serge Lemouton | Valerio SannicandroOrchestra/ensemble: Ensemble MusikfabrikConductor: Pierre-André ValadeMedia Type: CDProduct number: WER 20652CDCDIn stock€18.50Incl. Tax, Excl. Shipping
per sei strumenti spazializzatiComposer: Valerio SannicandroMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: 6 instrumentsHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per quattro archi, pianoforte (con assistente) e percussioneHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per ensembleComposer: Valerio SannicandroMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: ensembleHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per flauto basso e dodici vociComposer: Valerio SannicandroMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: bassflute and 12 voicesHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per orchestra da cameraComposer: Valerio SannicandroMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: chamber orchestraHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per sei strumentiHire/performance materialHire/performance material
Versione con elettronica in tempo realeHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per flauto, clarinetto, violino, violoncello, pianoforteHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per quattro tromboniHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per orchestraHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per sei strumentistiComposer: Valerio SannicandroMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: 6 instrumentsHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per ensembleHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per nove strumentiComposer: Valerio SannicandroMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: ensembleHire/performance materialHire/performance material
after Richard SerraComposer: Valerio SannicandroMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: 6 instrumentsHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per sette strumentiComposer: Valerio SannicandroMedia Type: Hire/performance materialEdition: Performance materialInstrumentation: 7 instrumentsHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per tuba e live electronicsHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per voce, suoni elettronici e orchestraHire/performance materialHire/performance material
per quattro voci e gruppo orchestraleHire/performance materialHire/performance material