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Joaquín Rodrigo

Joaquín Rodrigo

Country of origin: Spain
Birthday: November 22, 1901
Date of death: July 6, 1999

Upcoming Performances

Concierto de Aranjuez
Conductor: Benjamin Reiners
Orchestra: Heidelberger Sinfoniker
August 9, 2024 | Mainz (Germany) , Malakoff-Terrasse

About Joaquín Rodrigo

Spanish dance, Spanish poetry, the forms of older Spanish composers all found their place in Rodrigo’s output. And, for all the popularity of the Concierto de Aranjuez, the best of that output is still unknown… (The Independent by Martin Anderson)

Joaquín Rodrigo was born in Sagunto in the province of Valencia on 22 November 1901. Rodrigo’s almost complete blindness at the age of three and initial violin and piano lessons encouraged the development of his special relationship with music at an early age. Following studies in harmony and composition with Francisco Antich in Valencia (1917 to 1922), Rodrigo went to Paris in 1927 to study composition and orchestration with Paul Dukas at the École Normale de Musique for five years. He gained entry to the musical circles surrounding Maurice Ravel, Arthur Honegger and Manuel de Falla and established a reputation as pianist and conductor. After a brief stay in Madrid (1933/34), he returned to Paris in 1935 and took courses in music history with Maurice Emmanuel at the Conservatoire and with André Pirro at the Sorbonne in musicology. At the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, Rodrigo and his wife, the Turkish pianist Victoria Kamhi, were forced to leave France. The couple returned to Spain in 1939 via Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Rodrigo gained his international reputation following the premiere of the Concierto de Aranjuez in Barcelona in 1940. Alongside his compositional activity and concert tours as a pianist, Rodrigo was also head of the music department at Radio Nacional de España, music critic for leading Spanish newspapers and executive director for the artistic section of the Spanish National Organisation for the Blind (ONCE). In 1947, he occupied the Manuel-de-Falla Chair at the Universidad Central de Madrid. Rodrigo died in Madrid on 6 July 1999.

The Concierto de Aranjuez for guitar and orchestra, composed in 1939, is one of the most frequently performed works of the 20th century. Rodrigo was encouraged to compose the concerto by the guitarist Regino Sainz de la Maza and the work received its first performance with the Philharmonic Orchestra Barcelona directed by César Mendoza Lasalle. In this composition, Rodrigo succeeded in exemplary fashion in fusing traditions of the Spanish guitar – naturally including the flamenco – with an extensive Impressionist tonal palette and Neo-Classical forms. Although the work does not contain specific musical onomatopoeia, the intense atmosphere is highly evocative of the Baroque palace gardens in Aranjuez with their scent of magnolias, birdsong and splashing fountains.

Rodrigo’s early works display influences of Impressionist harmonies, the rhythmic structures of Stravinsky and de Falla and the polytonal techniques of Le Groupe des Six which included Honneger and Milhaud. From the 1940s onwards, the composer increasingly found his way towards a personal style which owed substantial influences to the composer’s study of Spanish Renaissance and Baroque music.

In addition to a large number of instrumental, choral and vocal works including the Sonada de adiós (“Homage to Paul Dukas”, 1935), the Ausencias de Dulcinea for bass, 4 sopranos and orchestra (based on a text by Cervantes, 1948) and the Dos danzas españolas for orchestra (1969), Rodrigo also composed numerous lieder, sacred works and music for ballets and films. The Concierto de Aranjuez is only one of a total of eleven concertos for a variety of solo instruments including guitar, violin, piano, harp and violoncello. The Concierto andaluz, composed by Rodrigo 1967 as a commission by the guitar quartet Los Romeros, is scored for four guitar soloists.

Rodrigo was awarded the Spanish Premio Nacional de Música for his Concierto heroico in 1942 and again in 1982 for his complete works. The composer was a member of the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando (from 1950) and the Belgian Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts (from 1978). In 1992, Rodrigo was raised to the nobility by the Spanish monarch Juan Carlos with the receipt of the honorary title Marqués de los jardines de Aranjuez. He is holder of the Cruz de Alfonso X el Sabio (1953), the Cran Cruz del Mérito Civil (1966) and the Premio Príncipe de Asturias de las Artes (1996). Rodrigo was honorary doctor of numerous universities and received the French award Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres in 1998.

More information at www.joaquin-rodrigo.com



Born in Sagunto (Valencia), 22 November
Loses his sight as a result of an epidemic of dephteria
The Rodrigo family moves to Valencia
Begins his musical studies
Studies harmony and composition with Francisco Antich
Receives advice from Enrique Gomá and Eduardo López Chavarri
First compositions
"Juglares", his first orchestral work, premiered in Valencia
Moves to Paris
Studies composition at the École Normale de Musique with Paul Dukas
Meets Manuel de Falla in Paris
Meets the pianist Victoria Kamhi (a qualified teacher from the Paris Conservatoire, and a pupil of George Lalewitz in Vienna, and of Lazare Lévy, and Ricardo Viñes in Paris)
Marries Victoria Kamhi on January 19th and returns to Spain
Teacher at the College for the Blind in Madrid
Wins first prize from the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Valencia for his Symphonic Poem, "Per la flor de lliri blau"
Receives the Conde de Cartagena Scholarship and returnes to Paris. Studies History of Music with Maurice-Emmanuel at the Conservatoire, and André Pirro at the Sorbonne
Death of his teacher, Paul Dukas.
Composes the "Sanada de adios" (Homenaje a Paul Dukas), for piano, in his memory
The Conde de Cartagena Scholarship suspended because of the Spanish Civil War
Residence in Paris, Salzburg and Freiburg
Letures at the University of Santander Summer Courses
At the request of the guitarist Regino Sainz de la Maza and the Marqués de Bolarque, Rodrigo begins work on the "Concierto de Aranjuez"
Returns permanently to Madrid
Head of Artistic Section of the Spanish National Organization for the Blind (ONCE)
Contributor to the Music Department of Radio Nacional
Music critic for the newspapers Pueblo, Marca and Madrid
Death of his father, Vicente Rodrigo Peirats
Awarded a temporary Chair in the Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid
First performance, in Barcelona, of the "Concierto de Aranjuez" for guitar and orchestra, by Regino Sainz de la Maza and the Barcelona Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by César Mendoza Lasalle
Birth of his daughter, Cecilia on January 27th
National Music Prize for "Concierto heroico" for piano and orchestra
Head of Music for Radio Nacional, and of music broadcasts
Awarded the Encomienda de Alfonso X el Sabio
Takes the newly created Manuel de Falla Chair of Music at the University of Madrid
First Prize in the Cervantes Competition (commemorating the 400th anniversary of the birth of Cervantes) for "Ausencias de Dulcinea" for bass, four sopranos and orchestra
Unanimously elected as Member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, Madrid
Favoured Son of Sagunto
Honorary Member of the Sociedad Musical Lira Saguntina of Sagunto
Aufnahme an der königlichen Akademie der Künste von San Fernando als Dozent
Madrid Athenaeum Prize for "Villancicos y canciones de Navidad"
Awarded the Great Cross of Alfonso X el Sabio
Unveiling of commemorative tablet on the house where he was born in Sagunto
Vice-President of the Spanish Section of the International Society for Contemporary Music (SCIM)
Premiere in California of "Fantasía para un gentilhombre" in California by Andrés Segovia with the Symphony Orchestra of San Francisco, conducted by Enrique Jordá
The French government awards him the title "Officier des Arts et Lettres"
First prize of ORTF Coupe de la Guitare for "Invocación y danza" for Gitarre
Concert in Madrid to celebrate his 60th birthday, organizes by the Ministry of Information and Tourism
The French government awards him the Légion d´Honneur
Marriage of his daughter Cecilia to the violinist, Augstín Léon Ara on April 6
Teaches a course on the History of Music at the University of Puerto Rico
Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Salamanca
Gran Cruz del Mérito Civil
Gold medal, Mérito en el Trabajo
President of Jury at the International Guitar Competition, Liège
Birth of his grand-daughter Cecilia on January 2
Member of the Société Européene de Culture
Creation of the Joaquín Rodrigo Composition Prize, Sagunto
Awarded the Popular del Pueblo Prize
Member of the Académie du Monde Latin
Honorary Member of the San Carlos Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Valencia
Honorary President of the Sociedad Musical Lira Saguntia
Birth of his grand-daughter Patricia Sofía on April 22
Awarded the Espuela de Plata in Mexico
Honorary Member of the Madrid Athenaeum
President of the Spanish National Committee of the International Council of Music (UNESCO)
Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Lettres and Fine Arts of Belgium, taking the place of Benjamin Britten
Gold Medal, Mérito en las Bellas Artes
Celebrations ans concerts in honour of his 80th birthday
National Music Prize
Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Southern California
Gold Medal and Honorary Member of the Valencia Generalitat
Doctor Honoris Causa, Polytechnical University of Valencia
Director of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando, Madrid
Gold Medal, University of Madrid
Honorary counsellor, Sociedad General de Autores de España (SGAE)
Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Valencia
Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Madrid
Medalla al Mérito Artístico, from the city of Madrid. A plaza adjoining the National Auditorium takes the name of Joaquín Rodrigo
Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Exeter
Gold Medal of Madrid
Knight of the Royal Order of Santa Maria del Puig (Valencia)
The Valencia Music Conservatoire takes the name of Joaquín Rodrigo
Silver Seal of the city of Valencia
Awarded the Guerrero Foundation Prize for Spanish Music, in its first edition
Concerts and celebrations worldwide in honour of his 90th birthday
Awarded hereditary title Marqués de los Jardines de Aranjuez, by King Juan Carlos I
Order of Félix Varela, first category, Government of Cuba
Honorary Member of the Royal Academy of Valencian Culture
Gold Medal of Aranjuez to Joaquín and Victoria Rodrigo
Honorary Member of the Guitar Association, Florence
Preis des Consejo Español de Mayores in Gold
Berufsausbildungspreis, verliehen durch das Preisgericht des Weltrats für Berufsausbildung in Valencia
Gold Medal of the Circle of Fine Arts, Valencia, for his contribution to the world of culture, in particular for the universal nature of his works
Rotary Club of Valencia donates to the Palau de la Música (Concert Hall) of Valencia a bust created by Vicente Ferrán
Generalitat of Valencia, Distinction for Cultural Merit for his artistic and intellectual activity and outstanding service rendered to the world of culture
Gold Medal of the Royal Conservatory of Music of Madrid; one of its lecture halls takes his name
Premio Ondas for Classical Music, awarded for his entire career
University of Madrid adopts his name for the main lecture hall of the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Gold Medal of Sagunto
"Prince of Asturias" Prize
The publisher Schott Musik International issues a commemorative medal of Joaquín Rodrigo on the occasion of his 95th birthday
"Star" of the autonomous region of Madrid
Grand Cross of the Orden Civli de la Solidaridad Social
Concerts and celebrations at his 95th birthday
Appointment as "Commandeur dans l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres"
Gold Medal of Sagunto
Birth of his first great grandchild, Santiago, October 2
Gerión de las Artes Prize
Death of his wife, Victoria Kamhi, July 21
The French government names him "Commendeur des Arts et des Lettres"
Prize for Best Composer of Classical Music, SGAE and AIE
Medal of Honor of UIMP, International University Menéndez Pelayo, Santander
Birth of his second grandchild, Cecilia, January 31
Gold Medal Festival of Granada
Death of Joaquín Rodrigo July 6 in Madrid. Buried in the family vault in the cemetery of Aranjuez



Set Descending Direction
  • Concierto de Aranjuez
    Conductor: Benjamin Reiners
    Orchestra: Heidelberger Sinfoniker
    August 9, 2024 | Mainz (Germany) , Malakoff-Terrasse
  • Concierto de Aranjuez
    Conductor: Valentin Egel
    Orchestra: Dubrovački simfonijski orkestar
    August 19, 2024 | Dubrovnik (Croatia) , Knežev dvor
  • Concierto de Aranjuez
    Conductor: Christian Karlsen
    Orchestra: Gränslandet - symfonisk fest Orkestern
    August 23, 2024 | Stockholm (Sweden) , Trädgården
  • Concierto de Aranjuez
    Conductor: Alfonso Scarano
    Orchestra: Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra
    August 24, 2024 | Salaya (Thailand) , Prince Mahidol Hall
  • Fantasía para un gentilhombre
    Conductor: Ivor Bolton
    Orchestra: Sinfonieorchester Basel
    August 24, 2024 | Basel (Switzerland) , Don Bosco
  • Tres viejos aires de danza
    Conductor: Jose Luis Gutierrez
    Orchestra: Mittelsächsische Philharmonie
    August 30, 2024 | Döbeln (Germany) , Niedermarkt
  • Concierto para una fiesta
    Conductor: Salvador Sebastiá López
    Orchestra: Orquesta Sinfónica de Castellón
    August 30, 2024 | Benicàssim (Spain) , Teatre Municipal
  • Tres viejos aires de danza
    Conductor: Jose Luis Gutierrez
    Orchestra: Mittelsächsische Philharmonie
    August 31, 2024 | Freiberg (Germany) , Schlosshof
  • Concierto de Aranjuez
    Conductor: Pavel Baleff
    Orchestra: Evergreen Symhony Orchestra
    September 16, 2024 | Taipei (Taiwan) , National Concert Hall
  • A la busca del más allá
    Conductor: Baldur Brönnimann
    Orchestra: Orquesta de Valencia
    September 24, 2024 | Valencia (Spain) , Palau de la Música
  • Concierto de Aranjuez
    Conductor: Manuel Mendoza
    Orchestra: Ortenau-Orchester Offenburg
    October 6, 2024 | Offenburg (Germany) , Reithalle
  • Canciones
    October 7, 2024 | London (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) , Wigmore Hall
    Performance of Canción del cucú only.
  • Concierto de Aranjuez
    Conductor: José Marìa Moreno
    Orchestra: Philharmonisches Orchester Cottbus
    October 25, 2024 | Cottbus (Germany) , Staatstheater, Großes Haus
  • Concierto de Aranjuez
    Conductor: José Marìa Moreno
    Orchestra: Philharmonisches Orchester Cottbus
    October 27, 2024 | Cottbus (Germany) , Staatstheater, Großes Haus
  • Concierto de Aranjuez
    Conductor: Kazuki Yamada
    Orchestra: City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
    October 30, 2024 | Birmingham (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) , Symphony Hall
  • Concierto de Aranjuez
    Conductor: Ana-Maria Patiño-Osorio
    Orchestra: Orchestre de la Suisse Romande
    November 6, 2024 | Genève (Switzerland) , Victoria Hall
  • Concierto de Aranjuez
    Conductor: Ana-Maria Patiño-Osorio
    Orchestra: Orchestre de la Suisse Romande
    November 7, 2024 | Lausanne (Switzerland) , Théâtre de Beaulieu
  • Concierto de Aranjuez
    Conductor: Camilo Sanchez Gomez
    Orchestra: Rheinklang - Orchester der Musikfreunde
    November 8, 2024 | Grabs (Switzerland) , Evang. Kirchgemeindehaus
  • Concierto de Aranjuez
    Conductor: Camilo Sanchez Gomez
    Orchestra: Rheinklang - Orchester der Musikfreunde
    November 9, 2024 | Triesen (Switzerland) , Guido-Feger-Saal
  • Set Descending Direction