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Ernst Pepping

Ernst Pepping

Country of origin: Germany
Birthday: September 12, 1901
Date of death: February 1, 1981

About Ernst Pepping

Ernst Pepping was born in Duisburg on 12 September 1901.  In 1922 he began to study composition at the Berlin Hochschule für Musik with Walter Gmeindl.  In 1934 he was appointed professor of music theory and composition at the protestant Kirchenmusikschule of the Johannes-Stift in Berlin-Spandau.  From 1935 to 1938 he lectured at the Berlin Hochschule für Musik. In 1947 he was nominated Professor for Church Music and, being appointed as professor of composition at the Berlin Hochschule für Musik, held his lectures until 1968.

Pepping is regarded as one of the most important protestant composers mainly for sacred music of our time.  He wrote a-cappella masses, motets and chorals (for example the Spandauer Chorbuch) but also selected secular vocal works, a considerable quantity of organ music as well as compositions for orchestra and chamber music works.

Pepping received many honours and awards; among others are Honorary Doctorates of the Freie Universitiät Berlin (1961) and of the Theologische Hochschule Berlin (1971).  He was member of the Berlin Academy of Arts and the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts in Munich.

Ernst Pepping died on 1 February 1981 in Berlin-Spandau.

For further information please visit the Pepping Society website www.pepping-gesellschaft.de


12. September in Duisburg geboren. Kindheit in Duisburg und Mülheim/Ruhr
Evangelische Präparandenanstalt und Staatliches Lehrerseminar in Essen
Kompositionsstudium bei Walther Fmeindl an der Hochschule für Musik in Berlin. Pepping wird mit dem Kompositionspreis der Felix-Mendelssohn Bartoldy-Stiftung ausgezeichnet
Lehrer für Harmonielehre, Kontrapunkt und Partiturspiel an der Berliner Kirchenmusikschule. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit Gorrfried Groote entstehen die bedeutensten Chorwerke
Lehrbeauftragter an der Berliner Hochschule für Musik
Professor für Komposition an der Berliner Hochschule für Musik. Von 1945 an leitete Pepping die Abteilung Komposition und Tonsatz
Tod am 1. Februar in Berlin-Spandau
