• Joy of Music – Plus de 250 ans de qualité, innovation et tradition
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Kip Hanrahan - A Thousand Nights And A Night

Numéro du produit: AMCL 10432
8,00 €
TTC, hors expédition
Type de produit
Remainder. After clearance sale no longer available

Détails du produit


The newest chapter comes from a journey through North Africa and parts of the Orient where Kip Hanrahan learned of an ancient folk tale. He was so inspired by the story; he began a more personal journey to express through music his interpretation of the fairy tale of "A Thousand Nights And A Night".

Following on the success of the 1st part, this album "Shadow Night - 2" is the 3rd part in the much anticipated nine part series. It symbolizes the essence of Kip Hanrahan - a man who has fun making music that's never been heard before.


Shahrazade Watches Birds Through An Alabaster Cealing
The Jinniya Sleeps On The Alabaster Cealing.the Coolness Of The Stone
Birds Through The Alabaster Cealing
"The Illusion Of Commerce" Part 1 of Shadow Nights 2
"The Jinn Of Class", Part One Of Shadow Nights 2
"The Lie Of The Possibility Of Fairness In Contracts In Capitalism", The First Part of Shadow Nights 2
"Fear" Opening (Shadow Nights 2)
The Tale Of the Youth Behind Whom Indian and Chinese Music Was Played, And The Tale Of The Jaundiced Youth
Accuracy Of Location In Shahrazade's Shadow Night
"Faith And Resolve", Parts One And Three Of Shadow Nights 2
The Man Who Stole The Golden Plate Which The Dog Had Eaten
Ishaak Of Mosul, His Mistress And The Devil
Shahrazade And The Forming Of The Next Day


Don Pullen: piano / DD Jackson: piano / JT Lewis: trap drums / Alfred Triff: violin / Negro Horacio Hernandez: trap drums / Roby Ameen: trap drums / Fernando Saunders: bass / Paoli Mejias: quinto / Richie Flores: quinto / Anthony Carrilo: congas

Plus d'infos

Kip Hanrahan - A Thousand Nights And A Night
Maison d'édition:
39 ′5 ′′

Détails techniques

Type de support:
Numéro du produit:
AMCL 10432
0,11 kg

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Kip Hanrahan


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