Intermediate Jazz Improvisation
Détails du produit
A Study Guide for Developing Soloists - Newly revised format features a super-large, 274 page spiral bound book, 53 downloadable play-a-long/demonstration audio tracks, and an additional download of 168 printable pdf pages of transcribed solos transposed for C, Bb, Eb, and bass clef instruments!
All aspiring jazz players find themselves at a point in their development where they are ready to go from playing "right notes" to actually playing meaningful solos. Making this essential "leap" can be frustrating. INTERMEDIATE JAZZ IMPROVISATION is for everyone wishing to bridge the gap between playing scales, chords and licks to playing realistic, flowing jazz lines!
It's specifically designed to build upon the knowledge you already have (basic chord and scale knowledge) to improve your understanding and skills as a soloist. The downloadable audio tracks include selected tracks from Aebersold Play-A-Longs coordinated with exercises and solo examples played on a separate channel and notated in the book. All parts in the book are transposed for all instruments and in bass and treble clef.
Useful for both private and classroom settings. Expanded version includes 168 pages of additional transcribed solos from the audio tracks of printable pdfs (all transposed for your key)! The large, information-packed, book is 276 spiral bound pages and includes transposed parts for Bb, Eb, and Bass Clef instruments. This popular book has become a classic! Testimonials are many about how this book is helping musicians who feel they're on a "plateau" in their development! Highly recommended.