2-3 Tage
Dispelling the Fears
after a painting by Heather Betts
for two trumpets and orchestra
2 trompettes et orchestre
Edition: Matériel d'exécution
Dispelling the Fears
Détails du produit
Dispelling the Fears derives its title and, in part, its character from a work of the same name by Australian painter Heather Betts. Expressionist in nature, the picture is predominantly dark, with a small, mainly white square like a window of light, to which the eye is immediately drawn, and it is this feeling of going from darkness to light which is reflected in Mark-Anthony Turnage’s work.
Orchestral Cast
2(afl).2(ca).2(bcl).2ssax.2(cbsn)-2.0.2.euph.1-2perc(glsp, crot, vib, tub bells, Japanese temple bells, bell plates, sus cym, 4gong, tam-t, bng, b.d, tabla, djembe, lion's roar)-hp.pno(cel)-str(
Plus d'infos
Dispelling the Fears
after a painting by Heather Betts
for two trumpets and orchestra
Revised version (1998)
Matériel d'exécution
Maison d'édition:
Schott Music Ltd., London
Year of composition:
1993 - 1994 (1998)
16 ′
29 octobre 1995 · Bedford (UK)
The Corn Exchange
Hakan Hardenberger, trumpet; John Wallace, trumpet · Musikalische Leitung: Daniel Harding · Philharmonia Orchestra
The Corn Exchange
Hakan Hardenberger, trumpet; John Wallace, trumpet · Musikalische Leitung: Daniel Harding · Philharmonia Orchestra
Travaux commandés :
Commissioned by the Philharmonia Orchestra and the Eastern Orchestral Board with financial assistance from the Arts Council of England
Détails techniques
Type de support:
Matériel en location / d'exécution
Numéro du produit:
LSL 4081-01
Preview/Media Contents
Plus de cette série
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Dispelling the Fears
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