2-3 Tage
Das Frauenorchester von Auschwitz
Musiktheater in drei Akten
Libretto von Clemens Heucke
Music as a form of compulsory labour – music as a life-saver: in the years 1943/44, the extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau had a women’s orchestra consisting of professional and amateur musicians from all over Europe. The conductor was the then world-famous violinist Alma Rosé, niece of the composer Gustav Mahler. In his opera Das Frauenorchester von Auschwitz the composer Stefan Heucke engages with the feelings, emotions and behaviour of people who were forced to make music while facing death. The libretto, by Clemens Heucke, is based on themes from the autobiographical novel by Fania Fénelon.
Edition: Matériel d'exécution
Détails du produit
Music as a form of compulsory labour – music as a life-saver: In the years 1943/44, the extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau had a women’s orchestra consisting of pr ofessional and amateur musicians from different European countries. The conductor was the then world-famous violinist Alma Rosé, niece of the composer Gustav Mahler. The orchestra had to play when prisoners arrived at the camp but also at so-called selections, in the Hospital and Experimental Blocks. For the entertainment of the SS camp personnel and the concentration camp doctor Josef Mengele, the orchestra gave concerts with works by Schubert, Schumann, Puccini, Suppé and Strauß. Although the women literally played for their life, they were at the same time among the ‘privileged’ prisoners of the camp. Some o f them survived, among them Fania Fénelon, a Jewish singer from Paris. She died in France in 1983, leaving an autobiographical novel which describes the desperate fight against the musicians’ fear of death.
Based on motives of this novel, Stefan Heucke composed his opera Das Frauenorchester von Auschwitz, the libretto was written by Clemens Heucke. The composer looks into the feelings, emotions and behaviour of people who were forced to make music while facing death.
- Slightly abridged text from the programme of the Krefeld-Mönchengladbach theatre
Based on motives of this novel, Stefan Heucke composed his opera Das Frauenorchester von Auschwitz, the libretto was written by Clemens Heucke. The composer looks into the feelings, emotions and behaviour of people who were forced to make music while facing death.
- Slightly abridged text from the programme of the Krefeld-Mönchengladbach theatre
Orchestral Cast
3 (3. auch Picc.) · 3 (3. auch Engl. Hr.) · 3 (3. auch Es-Klar.) · Bassklar. · 3 (3. auch Kfg.) - 4 · 1 hohe Trp. · 3 · 1 Basstrp. · 3 · 1 · Schofar - P. (2 Spieler) S. (Glsp. · Vibr. · Xyl. · Trgl. · Beck. · kl. Tr. · 4 Tomt. · gr. Tr. · Woodbl. · Peitsche · 3 Tamt.) (mind. 4 Spieler) - Str. (mind. 10 · 8 · 6 · 6 · 4)
Bühnenmusik: Fl. · 2 Blfl. - 2 Git. · 3 Mand. · Akk. · 1 kl. Konzertflügel - S. (kl. Tr.) - 5 Vl. · Vc. · Kb.
Bühnenmusik: Fl. · 2 Blfl. - 2 Git. · 3 Mand. · Akk. · 1 kl. Konzertflügel - S. (kl. Tr.) - 5 Vl. · Vc. · Kb.
Programmation des personnes
Anita Lasker-Wallfisch (Prolog) · Sprechrolle - Dirigentinnen: Alma Rosé · Alt - Sonia Winogradowa (zuerst Pianistin und Kopistin) · Sopran - Sängerinnen: Fania Fénelon (auch Kopistin) · Mezzosopran - Berthe (auch Kopistin) · Sopran - Eva (auch Kopistin) · Mezzosopran - Musikerinnen: Irène (Violine) · Sopran - Florette (Violine) · Sopran - Marta (Cello) · Mezzosopran - Hélène (Flöte) · Mezzosopran - Anny (Mandoline) · Sopran - Flora (Akkordeon) · Sopran - Danka (Becken) · Alt - Kopistin: Hilde · Sopran - Weitere Häftlinge: Mala Zimetbaum (Dolmetscherin) · Mezzosopran - Else Schmidt (Kapo der Bekleidungskammer) · Sopran - Blockowa Tschaikowska · Alt - Schmuel (Elektriker) · Bariton - Ferenc (ungarischer Junge) · Knabensopran - Anonyme Deportierte und Häftlinge (Erwachsene und Kinder) · Sprechrollen - Männliche und weibliche Kapos · Sprechrollen - Eine Läuferin · Sprechrolle - SS-Personal: SS-Obersturmführer Franz Hössler (Lagerführer) · Bass - SS-Hauptsturmführer Dr. phil. Dr. med. Josef Mengele · Tenor - SS-Oberaufseherin Maria Mandel · Sopran - SS-Aufseherin Margot Drechsler · Mezzosopran - Männliche und weibliche SS-Leute · Sprechrollen
Plus d'infos
Das Frauenorchester von Auschwitz
Musiktheater in drei Akten
Libretto von Clemens Heucke
Matériel d'exécution
Maison d'édition:
Schott Music
Year of composition:
2002 - 2006
op. 47
190 ′
16 septembre 2006 · Mönchengladbach (D)
Anne Gjevang, Alma Rosé · Musikalische Leitung: Graham Jackson
Inszenierung: Jens Pesel · Kostüme: Friederike Singer · Bühnenbild: Friederike Singer
Anne Gjevang, Alma Rosé · Musikalische Leitung: Graham Jackson
Inszenierung: Jens Pesel · Kostüme: Friederike Singer · Bühnenbild: Friederike Singer
Travaux commandés :
Auftragswerk der Städtischen Bühnen Krefeld-Mönchengladbach
Détails techniques
Type de support:
Matériel en location / d'exécution
Numéro du produit:
LVAV 5183-01
Das Frauenorchester von Auschwitz
Chef d'orchestre: Graham Jackson
17 décembre 2006 |
Krefeld (Allemagne) , Theater
Das Frauenorchester von Auschwitz
Chef d'orchestre: Graham Jackson
8 décembre 2006 |
Krefeld (Allemagne) , Theater
Das Frauenorchester von Auschwitz
Chef d'orchestre: Graham Jackson
5 décembre 2006 |
Krefeld (Allemagne) , Theater (szenische Aufführung)
Das Frauenorchester von Auschwitz
Chef d'orchestre: Graham Jackson
2 décembre 2006 |
Krefeld (Allemagne) , Theater
Das Frauenorchester von Auschwitz
Chef d'orchestre: Graham Jackson
29 novembre 2006 |
Krefeld (Allemagne) , Theater
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