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Piano music by female composers

24 Piano Pieces from the 18th-20th Century
Lange Zeit hat sich das Vorurteil gehalten, dass Frauen nicht komponieren können, da ihnen angeblich die eigentliche schöpferische Fähigkeit als Voraussetzung fehlt. Trotz vieler Hemmnisse gab und gibt es Persönlichkeiten, hochbegabte Frauen, die diese Hürden überwanden und ihre kompositorischen Fähigkeiten unter Beweis zu stellen vermochten.
Product number: ED 7197
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Print edition
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Female composers have made their way in the face of prejudice and opposition. For a long time the prejudice prevailed that women lack the requisite creative talent to compose great music. It is indeed true that women have been less active in the field of musical composition than their male contemporaries, but reasons for this are found in the social circumstances of the recent past:
In the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the ages of the Enlightenment and the flowering of great achievement in music, women were denied the education and encouragement which would have made individual accomplishment possible beyond the limits of domestic music-making. In spite of these hindrances there were highly gifted women who overcame the hurdles and were able to prove their talent for composition. Of course these belonged to the wealthy middle and upper classes, or were women from musical families who were able to receive a thorough training.
This selection, comprising 19 female composers from eight countries, cannot claim to be completely representative, both because it is limited to the period from the eighteenth century to the present, and because there is, as yet, no systematic catalogue of the autographs and printed editions in archives and libraries. But our editors are happy that this publication is worthwhile and justified, and that each of the pieces can speak for itself.
Women will in future pursue musical composition amid a manifest change in society's view of women and its attitude towards them.


Notes on the Composers
Elisabeth Jacquet de Laguerre (ca. 1664-1729): Rondeau
Marianne Matinez (1744-1812): Sonata No. 3
Maria Szymanowska (1789-1831): Nocturne
Fanny Hensel (1805-1847): Mélodies, op.4/2 und op.5/4
Clara Schumann (1819-1896): Andante con sentimento
Louise Farrenc (1804-1875): Impromptu
Cécile Chaminade (1857-1944): Pierrette, op.41
Ilse Fromm-Michaels (1888-1986): Langsamer Walzer
Else Schmitz-Gohr (1901-1987): Elegie for the left hand alone
Lotte Backes (1901-1987): Slow
Lili Boulanger (1893-1918): D'un vieux jardin
Priaulx Rainier (1903-1986): Barbaric Dance
Elizabeth Lutyens (1906-1983): Two Bagatelles
Peggy Glanville-Hicks (1912-1990): Prelude for a Pensive Pupil
Verdina Shlonsky (1913-1990): Introduction
Ivana Loudova: 2 Pieces (Sleeping Beauty and Lullaby) 
Barbara Heller (1936): Piano Muziek
Böhmisches Lied (Bohemian song)
Susanne Erding (1955): Chillan
Johanna Senfter (1879-1961): Erster Schmerz (First Pain)

More Information

Piano music by female composers
24 Piano Pieces from the 18th-20th Century
Level of difficulty:
Schott Music

Technical Details

Media Type:
Sheet music
Product number:
ED 7197
0,26 kg
23.1cm x 30.3cm
Saddle-wire stitching
Delivery rights:
Distribution rights for all countries except France

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Female Composers


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