2-3 Tage
Drummer gesucht!
Frech, spritzig und rasant: Die Abenteuer einer Rockband mitten in Berlin.
Für Jugendliche ab 12 Jahren.
Product Details
It's hard to believe that at her parents' boring symphony concert, of all concerts, wearing her most uncool clothes, Mathilde meets the electric guitar player Leon. For a long time she has dreamt of playing in a real band and pepping up her classical guitar education. Leon is just the person she wants to get going with. And so the two of them make their way through the urban jungle of Berlin – looking for the best bassist and drummer in the city. But this turns out to be more difficult than expected…
Fresh, racy and exciting: this book presents the adventures of a rock band in the middle of Berlin.
Beate Dölling worked as a radio journalist for RIAS Berlin, Kinderfunk and Deutschlandfunk for many years and is now a successful freelance author of books for children and young people. Her publications have won several prizes. In writing workshops, she passes on her knowledge and her joy of writing to the pupils.
Didier Laget discovered his passion for web design after having worked as a musician and producer of various rock bands for 20 years. He contributes his experience enthusiastically to his courses for children, young people and students. Together with Beate Dölling, Laget has been successfully writing books for young people since 2005. In addition, he makes regular appearances as a music critic on the French radio. More Information
Technical Details
Media Type:
Product number:
ED 20624
0,3 kg
12cm x 18cm
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