2-3 Tage
oder Die Besichtigung eines Zeitalters
Szenisches Oratorium
Pontius Pilate’s doorkeeper Ahasver refused to allow Jesus, as he bore the cross, to rest on his threshold. As a punishment Ahasvar is condemned to wander the world without home or purpose until the Day of Judgement. The story of the 'wanderer' became a central and recurrent myth.
For Volker David Kirchner the theme is political. Ahasver’s wanderings lead him through each period of European history and offer a view of so-called historical progress stripped of illusions. In nine scenes and one epilogue, interrupted by eight extensive monologues ('night watches'), the composer describes the incessant search for home, identity and spiritual fulfilment in broad historical pictorial scenes. Ahasver encounters a series of historical figures – Johannes Gutenberg, Martin Luther – each of whom confirms an insuperable wall of xenophobia and ideological blindness. In the epilogue Ahasver suffers the fate of today’s refugees. Completely deprived of his individuality, he joins the anonymous mass of human fellow-sufferers.
Edition: Performance material
Product Details
Pontius Pilate’s doorkeeper Ahasver refused to allow Jesus, as he bore the cross, to rest on his threshold. As a punishment Ahasvar is condemned to wander the world without home or purpose until the Day of Judgement. The story of the wanderer became a central and recurrent myth, most famously in Goethe and Heine, and of course in Wagner.
Whereas the romantic idea of redemption is in the foreground in Wagner, in Kirchner the theme is political. Ahasver’s wanderings lead him through each period of European history and offer a view of so-called historical progress stripped of illusions. In nine scenes and one epilogue, interrupted by eight extensive monologues (“night watches”), the composer describes the incessant search for home, identity and spiritual fulfilment in broad historical pictorial scenes. Ahasver encounters a series of historical figures – Johannes Gutenberg, Martin Luther – each of whom confirms an insuperable wall of xenophobia and ideological blindness.
In the epilogue Ahasver suffers the fate of today’s refugees. Merely a number, completely deprived of his individuality, he joins the anonymous mass of human fellow-sufferers.
Whereas the romantic idea of redemption is in the foreground in Wagner, in Kirchner the theme is political. Ahasver’s wanderings lead him through each period of European history and offer a view of so-called historical progress stripped of illusions. In nine scenes and one epilogue, interrupted by eight extensive monologues (“night watches”), the composer describes the incessant search for home, identity and spiritual fulfilment in broad historical pictorial scenes. Ahasver encounters a series of historical figures – Johannes Gutenberg, Martin Luther – each of whom confirms an insuperable wall of xenophobia and ideological blindness.
In the epilogue Ahasver suffers the fate of today’s refugees. Merely a number, completely deprived of his individuality, he joins the anonymous mass of human fellow-sufferers.
Orchestral Cast
3 (2. u. 3. auch Picc.) · 2 · Engl. Hr. · 3 (3. auch Bassklar.) · 3 (3. auch Kfg.) - 4 · 3 · 3 · 1 · Kb.-Tb. - P. S. (Glsp. · Crot. · Xyl. · Vibr · Trgl. · Almgl. · Röhrengl. · Plattengl. · Rin · Becken [h./m./t.] · Tamt. [t.] · Rührtr. [basso] · gr. Tamb. [ohne Schnarrs.] · Cong. · 4 Tomt. · kl. Tr. · gr. Tr. · Tumba · Holzbl. · Lithophon · Sandbl. · 2 Tubaphone · Dose [mittelgr., mit Nägeln u. Schrauben gefüllt]) - Hfe. · Klav. (auch Cel.) - Str. - Tonband (von den Ausführenden zu erstellen)
Ahasver · Bass - Jesus · Bariton - Knabenstimme · Sopran - Simon Petrus · Bass - Großinquisitor · Bass - 1. Mann · Tenor - 2. Mann · Bass - 3. Mann · Bass - Alter Mann · Bass - Mönch · Sprechrolle - Gutenberg · Bariton - Volk · großer Chor [SATB] - Chorsoli [SSA] - Männerchor - Flagellanten [TB]
More Information
oder Die Besichtigung eines Zeitalters
Szenisches Oratorium
Text vom Komponisten
Performance material
Schott Music
Year of composition:
1998 - 2000
100 ′
World Premiere:
May 9, 2001 · Bielefeld (D)
Conductor: Dirk Kaftan
Original staging: Andrej Woron
Conductor: Dirk Kaftan
Original staging: Andrej Woron
Technical Details
Media Type:
Hire/performance material
Product number:
LS 2583-01
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