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Voices – Stimmen

Eine Sammlung von Liedern für zwei Singstimmen (Mezzosopran und Tenor) und Instrumentalgruppen
Mezzosoprano, tenor and instrumentalgruppen
Edition: Performance material

Product Details


The choice of the poems and the order in which they are arranged reflect my own personal political perspective and emotional involvement, and it is this perspective and these feelings which give the collection its cohesion, rather than any narrative or musical structure. In some cases, I wanted to use highly developed post-serial structures and invest them with meaning; that is to say: to use abstract elements and force them to be vehicles for concrete expression. More direct formal materials include jazz, aleatoric writing and elements of music-theatre.
In other cases I tried to extend the Weill-Eisler-Dessau tradition in my own style. The listener will also, I hope, detect echoes and influences of various folk styles, as well as the tradition of the classical Lied.
The work was originally scored for 15 players. The number may be augmented, however, according to possibilities and necessities of the available forces. The players, who at various times have to hum, talk and sing, form an a capella chorus in No. 17.
- Hans Werner Henze

Orchestral Cast

Picc. · 1 · Altfl. · Bengal. Fl. · Inkafl. · Lotosfl. (oder Klar. in A) · 2 Bambusfl. · 1 · Engl. Hr. · 2 Blfl. · 1 · Es-Klar. · Bassklar. · Bassetthr. · 1 · Kfg. - 1 · 1 · 1 · 1 - P. S. (hg. Beck. · Hi-Hat · Tamt. · Gongs · Tamb. · kl. Tr. · Bong. · Trinidad Steel Drum · gr. Tr. · Boo-bams · Log Drums · Marimba · Mar. · Guiro · Matraca · Reibetr. · Woodbl. · Kette · Marimbula [chrom.] · Vibr. · Bassmetallophon · hg. Glasstäbe · Shell chimes · versch. Donnerbleche · Handgl. · Dobaçi · Kuhgl. · Röhrengl.) - Mand. · Git. · E-Git. · Tenorbanjo · Cel. · Klav. · Akk. · Hammondorg. · Mundharm. · Okarina (oder Blockfl. mit Kontaktmikr.) · Gläserspiel · Glasharfe · Maultr. · Zinnpfeifchen · Rugbypfeife - 4 Verstärker - Str. (1 [auch Va.] · 0 · 1 [auch Vl. u. Va. d'am.] · 1 · 1)

Das Instrumentarium ist auf 15 Spieler verteilt.


I "Los poetas cubanos ya no sueñan " (Heberto Padilla)
II Prison Song (Ho Chi Minh) "With hungry mouth..."
III Keiner oder alle (Bertolt Brecht) "Sklave, wer wird dich befreien?"
IV The Electric Cop (Victor Hernandez Cruz) "this guy on t. v. .."
V The Distant Drum (Calvin C. Hernton) "I am not a metaphor or symbol."
VI 42 Schulkinder (Erich Fried) "Wie weit ist es von Guernica nach Mang Quang..."
VII Caino (Gino de Santis) "I tuoi capelli..."
VIII Il Pasi (Mario Tobino) "Il Pasi era un giovanotto..."
IX Heimkehr (Heinrich Heine) "Am alten grauen Turme..."
X Grecia 1970 (Giuseppe Ungaretti) "Atene, Grecia, segreto..."
XI Legende von der Entstehung des Buches Taoteking auf dem Weg des Laotse in die Emigration (Bertolt Brecht) "Als er siebzig war..."
XII Gedanken eines Revuemädchens während des Entkleidungsaktes (Bertolt Brecht) "Mein Los ist es..."
XIII Das wirkliche Messer (Hans Magnus Enzensberger) "Es waren aber Abertausend in einem Zimmer..."
XIV Recht und billig (Erich Fried) "Für jeden von ihnen getöteten Zivilisten..."
XV Patria (Miguel Barnet) "No puedo esperar más..."
XVI Screams (Interlude) (Walton Smith) "screams malcolm does not hear my sreams..."
XVII The Worker (Richard W. Thomas) "My father lies black..."
XVIII Para aconsejar a una dama (Heberto Padilla) "Y si empezara por aceptar..."
XIX Roses and Revolutions (Dudley Randall) "Musing on roses I saw night..."
XX Vermutung über Hessen (F.C. Delius) "Wenn dein starker Arm es will..."
XXI Schluß (Michaelis Katsaros) "Schluß mit der Tagesschau..."
XXII Das Blumenfest (Hans Magnus Enzensberger) "Ich schenke Blumen."

More Information

Voices – Stimmen
Eine Sammlung von Liedern für zwei Singstimmen (Mezzosopran und Tenor) und Instrumentalgruppen
German, Spanish, English, Italian
Performance material
Schott Music
Year of composition:
90 ′
World Premiere:
January 4, 1974 · London (UK)
Queen Elizabeth Hall
Rose Taylor, mezzo-soprano; Paul Sperry, tenor · Conductor: Hans Werner Henze · London Sinfonietta


Technical Details

Product number:
LS 2143-01

Preview/Media Contents



Set Ascending Direction
  • Voices – Stimmen
    Conductor: Carlo Boccadoro
    Orchestra: New European Ensemble
    September 21, 2024 | Maastricht (Netherlands) , Theater aan het Vrijthof
  • Voices – Stimmen
    Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival
    Conductor: Christian Karlsen
    Orchestra: London Sinfonietta
    November 24, 2023 | Huddersfield (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
    performance of movements 1, 4, 6, 13, 14, 16, 19
  • Voices – Stimmen
    Conductor: Christian Karlsen
    Orchestra: London Sinfonietta
    July 5, 2023 | Viitasaari (Finland)
  • Voices – Stimmen
    Conductor: Christian Karlsen
    Orchestra: London Sinfonietta
    July 4, 2023 | Viitasaari (Finland)
  • Voices – Stimmen
    Conductor: David Atherton
    Orchestra: London Sinfonietta
    October 11, 2017 | London (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) , St John's Smith Square
  • Set Ascending Direction

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