Mein Weib will mich verlassen
Product Details
Georg Kreisler equals scathing, dark black humour on the piano!
The Singphoniker have arranged Georg Kreisler's best known songs for all-male ensemble and recorded them on CD. Schott now publishes the corresponding music edition for men's choir TTBB with piano accompaniment (Georg Kreisler - Lieder und Chansons, ED 22735). In addition, all songs from the sheet music album are available in separate editions:
Mein Weib will mich verlassen – "Gott sei Dank!“ [My wife wants to leave me – Thank God] The wife's moving out in Mein Weib will mich verlassen cannot be too soon at all. When the woman finally went out of the door, everything was only a dream. "Oi weh!“ [Oh dear!] This pleasant arrangement with Kreisler's humorous text most certainly creates an exuberant atmosphere in the concert.