• Joy of Music – Over 250 years of quality, innovation, and tradition

Frequently Asked Questions

/ Personal Data

Update your information, change your password, create or delete an account

    • Where can I see or edit my personal data?

      Click on “My Account” at top right or on “My Account / Sign In” in the footer at the bottom.
      Sign in with your e-mail address and password. You can see and edit all information found there.

    • What if I have forgotten my password?

      Click here and enter your e-mail address. You will then receive an email, with a link to create a new password. Once you have signed in with your new password, you can view your personal information and update if necessary.

      Alternately, you can click on “My Account” at the top right of each page or “My Account / Sign In” below in the footer, and select “Forgot Password?” in the new window.

    • I am already a Schott customer, but I cannot sign in.

      In June 2016 we moved our online shop to a new technical platform. All customer passwords, being encrypted, could not be transferred to the new platform. Because of this you must generate a new password in order to access your account. Please click here and enter your e-mail address. You will then receive an email, with a link to create a new password. Once you have signed in with your new password, you can view your personal information and update if necessary.


Order status, Payment, Delivery

    • Where can I see the status of my orders?

      Sign in to “My Account”. By clicking the “My Orders” tab you will see an overview of your orders. Alternately you can click on “My Account / My Orders” in the footer.

    • Which methods of payment can I use on the Schott Music online shop?

      You can pay for orders with PayPal, credit or debit card or by instant transfer.

    • Can I order items on account?

      In general you will receive an invoice for all orders, which you can use as proof of purchase.

    • I am a teacher. Can I get a discount on examination copies?

      Teachers in Germany receive, on request and upon presentation of a school identity card, a 50% discount on selected printed music as examination copies, if the publisher has not yet made an edition available. Please write to musikschule@schott-music.com to find out whether the music you desire is available as an examination copy. Other titles, or larger orders for classes, cannot be sold at discount. We cannot guarantee discounts on orders through our online shop.

    • Can I also order by fax or e-mail?

      We cannot accept orders by fax or e-mail. To ensure that your order contains all necessary information, please view our ordering options in the shop.

    • What are the shipping charges?

      All shipping charges are based on the weight of the merchandise and its destination. These costs are calculated during the order process and displayed in the shopping cart. If you place an order from a third country (non-EU country), you may have to pay customs duties in accordance with the legal regulations of the importing country. These costs are not shown in the order process.

      Orders with a value of €25 or more are shipped free of charge within Germany.

    • I am a music retailer. How can I order from Schott Music?

      All orders for music retailers should be placed with music distribution services:

      music distribution services gmbh
      Postfach 3609
      55026 Mainz – Germany

      Telephone: +49 (0)6131 505 100
      Telefax: +49 (0)61 31 505 115
      E-mail: order@mds-partner.com


      If you would like some assistance building your music and book collection, our representatives at Schott Music are ready and willing to assist you:   You’ll find the relevant contact details here…


Access downloads, online material and web codes

    • How do I get my paid downloads?

      You can request a download through the order confirmation e-mail by clicking the link “Download” in said e-mail. As soon as your download file has been generated, you will receive the download link by e-mail. Alternatively, you obtain your downloads through your customer account:

      • Log in by entering your e-mail address and your password under “My Account”.
      • As soon as you have logged in, a menu appears on the left side. Please select the menu item “My download items” at the bottom.
      • Click the red text “Request download” in the order behind the purchased title. The download will then be prepared for you and your file generated.
      • Wait about 2-10 minutes until your download has been generated and then reload your download orders (by pressing the “Refresh” button or the F5 key). The status of the red text should then have been changed to “Start download”. Click this link to download the file. Please save the file so that it will be available to you any time.
    • In which format is the sheet music available?

      The files are available in PDF format. You can open the files with Adobe Reader. All music scores can be printed in A4 format on common printers. Music scores purchased at schott-music.com contain a digital watermark. Thus, you know when you bought them, on the one hand, and each file can be identified as your personal copy, on the other hand.

    • What are EPUB files?

      Some ebooks are available in the reflowable EPUB format. You can view these files using EPUB reader software (e.g. Calibre for Windows or Apple Books for iOS).

    • May I copy or pass on the sheet music files?

      Please note that the purchased sheet music file must not be passed on and does not entitle you to make illegal copies. Music downloads bought through schott-music.com do not entitle the buyer to make or pass on copies. If several copies are needed, you have to buy the corresponding number of copies of the piece in question.
      Scores bought through schott-music.com can be printed or saved immediately.

    • Where can I redeem codes for online material?

      In some of our publications or in our newsletters you may find codes, which allow you access to further content. These codes can be redeemed here: schott-music.com/online-material

Hire / Performance Materials

Find and order hire and performance material

    • How do I hire music?

      Rental works and performance materials can be found in the “Concert & Opera” section, or by searching for the product directly using the search tool.

      For rental material, instead of the shopping cart symbol, you will instead see a link to our partner site, zinfonia.de, from whom these materials can be obtained.

Manuscript Submission

Become an author or composer at Schott Music

    • How can I submit manuscripts?

      If you are interested in having your compositions, books or educational material published by Schott Music, please keep the following recommendations in mind:

      • Please consider whether your work is suitable for publication by Schott Music. Please also bear in mind that a work of small scope (for example a single song) is difficult to promote and would therefore go largely unnoticed in our large, comprehensive catalogue.
      • We accept only completed manuscripts. Single pages, drafts or abstracts will be ignored. Concepts for educational materials and pedagogical literature must be fully prepared. Book manuscripts should include an overview.
      • Should your work contains copyright-protected elements of other rights holders (texts, translations, melodies, images), this is to be expressly indicated. These elements must be labelled, stating the name and biographical data of that person as rights holder in the manuscript.
      • We accept manuscripts exclusively as electronic files and accept the following formats: PDF, Sibelius, Finale or MusicXML (for printed music), PDF or Word (for text), JPG (for illustrations and photos) and mp3 for audio recordings.
      • We accept no manuscripts in paper form. Due to time and financial constraints, we cannot return unsolicited manuscripts – regardless of whether return postage is included. Please do not send electronic media (CDs, USB sticks, etc.), originals, or other materials which you would want returned to you.
      • Please send your manuscript by e-mail only to manuskripte@schott-music.com. Include a brief biography of yourself and, if appropriate, about the work. If necessary, the manuscript should be compressed (as a ZIP file), so that it can be sent in a single e-mail. If you have uploaded your manuscript as a file on an external file server, links to this server must be accessible indefinitely and the contents should not be altered after the upload.

      Please understand that, due to the volume of submissions we receive, it may take a long time to process your manuscript. We ask you to refrain from contacting us about the status of your submission. If you have not been contacted after six months, please take this as a rejection. Due to the great number of manuscripts it is not generally possible for us to send individual rejections, even if this would be beneficial to you. We thank you for your understanding.


    • How can I subscribe to a newsletter?

      Towards the bottom of our website, you will see a field in which you can enter your e-mail address in order to subscribe to newsletters.

    • How can I unsubscribe from a newsletter?

      At the bottom of each newsletter you will find an “unsubscribe” link. If you click this, you will receive confirmation by e-mail, so that you can be certain that your request is being processed.

    • What do the level-of-difficulty numbers stand for?

      Level of difficulty:
      1 – very easy
      2 – easy
      3 – medium
      4 – medium difficult
      5 – difficult
      6 – very difficult

    • What do orchestration abbreviations mean?

      The information for orchestrations is presented as found in a score: woodwinds – brass – percussion – strings. Within these groups the instruments are indicated with numbers according to the number of players needed. Doubling instruments, number of players for percussion and string divisi are in brackets.


      2 (2. also Picc.) · 2 · 2 · 2 – 2 · 2 · 0 · 0 – timp. (Trgl. · S. d.) (1 player) – Str. (14 · 12 · 10 · 8 · 6)


      2 flutes, the second of which also plays piccolo
      2 oboes
      2 clarinets in B♭
      2 bassoons

      2 horns
      2 trumpets
      no trombone
      no tuba

      timpani, played by one person
      percussion (triangle and snare drum or side drum), played by one person

      14 1st violins
      12 2nd violins
      10 violas
      8 cellos
      6 double basses

      All instruments beyond the standard orchestration are included with abbreviations. An overview of all abbreviations including translations in German, English and French can be downloaded as PDF here.

    • May I use photos from a composer’s or author’s photo gallery for my publications?

      Yes, you may. All gallery photos are free of charge and may be used for concert programs, press releases and media coverage in newspapers, magazines, websites and blogs. However you may not alter photos or show them in a distorted context. Moreover you are not permitted to pass on images to third parties, nor use them for commercial products such as books, image media or fan articles. If you need approval, further materials, or have any questions, please contact us at info@schott-music.com.

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