Avatar of Modernity
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The 29th of May 2013 sees the 100th anniversary of the Paris premiere of a once-in-a-century work: Igor Stravinsky's 'Le Sacre du Printemps'. This date, which is monumental for music and ballet historiography alike, marks the breakthrough of the modern era.
To mark this event, the Paul Sacher Foundation in Basel which keeps the Stravinsky estate publishes an anniversary edition in three volumes: two annotated facsimiles – the autograph score as well as the version for piano duet – and a book with contributions by leading researchers. A rewarding, if not essential edition for all those interested in modern music and art!
All three volumes are available separately or as a reasonably priced package. For all orders placed by 31.03.2013, we will, in addition, grant a reduced introductory price!
L. Garafola: Diaghilev's Ballets Russes: A New Kind of Company
P. Griffiths/E. Griffiths: The Shaman, the Sage, and the Sacrificial Victim
E. Buch: The Scandal at "Le Sacre"
T. Bleek: "... de la musique sauvage avec tout le confort moderne!"
A. Meyer: Disrupted Structures
C. Jeschke: "... retrouver la source de variété..."
S. Walsh: Remembering "The Rite of Spring" ot "Ce que je n'ai pas voulu exprimer dans "Le Sacre du printemps"
D. Schiff: Everyone's Rite
J. Cross: Rewriting "The Rite: Creative Responses to "Le Sacre du printemps"
S. Jordan: Le Sacre du printems
S. Savenko: Vesna svyashchennaya in Its Homeland
A. Stollberg: "sim not dim"
J.W. Bernard: Le Sacre Analyzed
R. Piencikowski: Boulez's Rite
J. Assmann: The Cultural Memory of "Le Sacre du printemps"
H. Münkler: Mythic Sacrifices and Real Corpses
J.E. Bowlt: Kingdom of Mystery
R. Taruskin: How "The Rite" Became Possible
Appendices: F. Meyer: Cronology