2-3 Tage
Arien des Orpheus
für Gitarre, Harfe, Cembalo und Streicher (Fassung für kleine Streicherbesetzung)
guitar, harp, harpsichord and strings
Edition: Performance material
Arien des Orpheus
Product Details
In my ballet Orpheus, a full symphony orchestra is employed. Woodwind, brass and percussion represent Apollo, the god-sent Master of the Muses who has handed over to Orpheus the Power of Music. The (opposite) sound world of Orpheus is made of stringed instruments: the guitar, reaching back into classical history, contains the basic intervals of Orpheus' music in this context, harp and harpischord represent further technical and harmonic developments of the literature for plucked instruments, consequently their music shows more developed aspects, more elaborate variations, of the basic material. The sound of the plucked strings is embedded in the sound of a small orchestra of bowed strings.
- Hans Werner Henze
- Hans Werner Henze
Orchestral Cast
Str. (9 · 0 · 4 · 4 · 3)
I Orpheus' erste Arie
II Klagelied, Orpheus' zweite Arie
III Danza generale
IV Orpheus' dritte Arie
II Klagelied, Orpheus' zweite Arie
III Danza generale
IV Orpheus' dritte Arie
More Information
Arien des Orpheus
für Gitarre, Harfe, Cembalo und Streicher (Fassung für kleine Streicherbesetzung)
Performance material
Schott Music
Year of composition:
18 ′
World Premiere:
November 16, 1980 · Gelsenkirchen (D)
Conductor: Uwe Mund · Städtisches Orchester
Conductor: Uwe Mund · Städtisches Orchester
Technical Details
Media Type:
Hire/performance material
Product number:
LS 2054-01
More from this series
Arien des Orpheus
Arien des Orpheus
Conductor: Uwe Mund
Orchestra: Städtisches Orchester
November 16, 1980 |
Gelsenkirchen (Germany) — World Premiere
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