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American Popular Piano Etudes 1

Product number: NVM 13
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This is one of four level-one books in the American Popular Piano series - the educational piano course by Christopher Norton and Scott McBride Smith.

The series has 11 difficulty Levels, and each Level contains: Repertoire album with CD; Etudes album (including Improvisation); Skills book; Technic (technique) book.

 Level One
 For advanced beginners
- Hands play together
- Whole note, half note, quarter note, dotted half note
- Whole rest, half rest, quarter rest, dotted-half rest
- pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff, crescendo and diminuendo
- Slur, legato, staccato, accent
- 3/4, 4/4, and 5/4 time signatures
- Key signatures up to one sharp and one flat
- Repeat, 8va, tie, fermata, ritardando, a tempo

Etudes Albums:
complement the corresponding Repertoire Album with traditional technical etudes in both classical and popular styles and through a revolutionary, module-based approach to improvisation.
·            Technical Etudes: builds solid fundamentals by focusing on specific
technical and musical elements; offers an enjoyable approach to improving facility;
·             Improvisation Etudes: delivers a practical framework for learning improvisation; integrates effortlessly into traditional piano lessons; module structure provides intuitive, progressive development from the very first level; encourages creativity and spontaneity; trains critical active listening skills.

The CD, which comes only with the Repertoire Album, contains accompanying instrumental backings both for the Repertoire Album's ensemble pieces, and the Etudes Album's Improvisation modules:
 ·          provides convenient practice and performance tempos for realistic
 support of the learning process;
 ·          stimulates daily ensemble playing;
 ·          creates a full band improvisation experience;
 ·          makes reaching a polished performance just plain fun!

About the American Popular Piano series:
“Why can’t I play more music like this?” asked a fourteen-year-old piano student. “My friends like to hear me play cool music.” 

Why not, indeed. J.S. Bach taught his sons using the music of his time – popular dances, preludes and exercises by living composers. It would never have occurred to him to seek out pieces in styles and rhythms one hundred years old. He expected his boys to thrive in the musical world of their time.

American Popular Piano has been developed on the same principles. Students working in this series will…
 ·        develop traditional pianistic and musical skills through music in
       contemporary, popular styles;
·         be motivated to practice by working on music that is familiar, fun,
       and that they can’t wait to play;
  ·         nurture their creativity and spontaneity through a user-friendly
 modular approach to improvisation;
 ·          enjoy regular ensemble playing;
  … and find pleasure in a lifelong relationship with music!

Written entirely by Christopher Norton and Scott McBride Smith, American Popular Piano is an educational piano course which comprises 44 books, clearly divided into 11 difficulty levels.  With 4 resources in each level from which people can pick and choose, the series provides a fuller curriculum, including important skills such as improvisation.

The integrated, comprehensive course of study provided by American Popular Piano ensures the development of well-rounded piano fundamentals using a combination of classical and popular styles. Each of the eleven levels – from Preparatory for the first year of study, then through the progressive levels 1-10 – includes a Repertoire Album with an Instrumental Backings CD, a supporting Etudes Album, a Skills Book, and a Technic (technique) book.


Improvisation Etudes: County Fair
This Dance Please
Never Say Never
The Girl on the Beach
Norn Section
Going to Dr. John
Improvisation Performance Etudes: County Fair
This Dance Please
Never Say Never
The Girl on the Beach
Horn Section
Going to Dr. John
Technical Etudes
Classical: After Kohler
After Gurlitt
After Norton
After Beyer
After Le Couppey
After "Hey Betty Martin"
Var. on "After Hey Betty Martin"
After Czerny
After Bartok
Technical Etudes
Pop: The Long Road
Losing the Way
Mop Dance
Hidden Melody
Smooth Path Ahead
A Great Day Out
An Honorable Tradition
Country Dance

More Information

American Popular Piano Etudes 1
Novus Via Music Group Inc.

Technical Details

Media Type:
Sheet music
Product number:
NVM 13
0,26 kg
23.1cm x 30.3cm
Saddle-wire stitching


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