• Joy of Music – Plus de 250 ans de qualité, innovation et tradition
2-3 Tage


Natural Sound recorded by Walter Tilgner
Numéro du produit: SM 9002-50
17,50 €
TTC, hors expédition
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Détails du produit


The precious and varied song of the shy nightingale can now be enjoyed at home - with the help of Walter Tilgner's wonderful dummy-head stereo recordings from nature.

Walter Tilgner, author and producer of more than ten Natural Sound CDs with WERGO, has succeeded again in eliciting concertlike sound pictures from meadows, valleys, and forests. With these extraordinary natural sound pictures, he not only attempts to convey a feeling of joy, relaxation and inspiration, but also wants to encourage the listener to walk among the trees of a wood, eyes and ears alert, to penetrate the secrets of the sylvan world, and thus to achieve a true experience of nature.
Digital recording technique and a dummy-head stereo microphone have made it possible to record sounds like the wind rustling the trees, rain, and thunder that are so natural and lifelike you might easily believe yourself transported to the middle of a wood as you listen to them. Thus, in the quiet of your own home, you can listen to the voices of birds, toads, and a chorus of frogs by a woodland pool, or the roaring of stags during the red deer rut.
“Well known as a photographer of woodland and forest scenes, Walter Tilgner has captured in his pictures not only the surface layer that which strikes the eye immediately but also the very essence of the woods. In his recordings, his natural sound pictures, he has taken this fundamental view of woods and forests much further, above all the emotional aspect” (Prof. Hannes Mayer, Vienna). For about twenty years, Tilgner’s main activity has been the documentary recording of the sounds of the natural world, the creation of sound pictures.

For further information on Walter Tilgner, please visit his website: www.natur-tilgner.de


Nachtigallen in der Nacht
Nachtigallen am frühen Morgen mit dem erwachenden Konzert anderer Vögel

Plus d'infos

Natural Sound recorded by Walter Tilgner
Maison d'édition:
58 ′10 ′′

Détails techniques

Numéro du produit:
SM 9002-50
0,09 kg

Preview/Media Contents

Nachtigall | Naturhörbilder | The Sound of Nature

Plus de cette série


Am Waldbach singen Rotkehlchen und Zaunkönig … ein Buntspecht trommelt … ein Hase kommt wieder den Abhang herunter … Laub raschelt … eine Amsel zieht zeternd vorbei … mit tiefem Gebrumm fliegen Hornissen ihr Nest an …
Immer wieder gelingt es Walter Tilgner, Autor und Produzent von mehr als zehn Natural-Sound-CDs bei WERGO, unseren Auen, Fluren und Wäldern konzertartige Hörbilder zu entlocken. Mit diesen einzigartigen Naturhörbildern will er nicht nur Freude, Entspannung und Inspiration vermitteln, sondern auch dazu anregen, die Natur bei Spaziergängen und Wanderungen mit offenen Augen und Ohren wahrzunehmen und so zu einem tieferen Naturerleben zu kommen.
Seit Jahren ist die dokumentarische Erfassung von Naturhörbildern mit dem Kunstkopf-Stereomikrofon Walter Tilgners Hauptanliegen.


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